Where do I get bumper stickers that mock Palin?

While driving yesterday I saw two cars which had on them anti-Obama bumper stickers. (ie “How’s that hopey/changing working for you?” “Palin 2012”). Wanting to fight back - or at least to put a humorous pro-Obama/and or anti GOP/ Palin/T-party sticker on my car, I write to ask my fellow dopers if they know of a good website or other source for such stickers. Anybody know?

Isn’t “Palin 2012” humorous enough?

“Hey Sarah, I can see the moon from my back yard. Does that make me an astronaut?”


http://www.zazzle.com/anti+palin+bumperstickers 24 hr delivery.

I’m partial to this one myself.

Hmm. Most of those are not too clever, although I do like “Spill Baby, Spill.”

There’s this:

and these, though they’re not winning the intellect awards either:


I kind of liked

“Tea parties are for little girls with imaginary friends”

How about: Sara, how’s that abstinence thingy workin’ for ya?


Married: 8/29/88, 1st Child 4/20/89
Hey Sarah, I can see hypocrisy from my backyard

I’m a big fan of “Republican Family Values: Greed, Fear, & Hate.” I’m seriously thinking of getting that for my car, with or without the Palin face on it.

Palin 2012 - no hope - no change

Palin - Easy. Not Easy Solution.

Since this is necessarily political, I’m moving it from GQ to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

I’m really liking this one. Too bad I can’t get away with putting it on my podium at school.

I just bought this one.

That one is good, but I find this to be a little more subtle and clever.

I’m fond of this creation, though it’s not perfectly drawn.


Someone who would to put a bumper sticker on his car is going to mock Palin?


How about: “Every Tea Party Needs a Mad Hatter: Palin 2012”

I saw one last week that said “PALIN IN 2012” with a headshot of Michael Palin. Where can I get this?

I wonder if there are an excess of “Drill, baby, drill!” bumper stickers hanging around, they can’t be too popular now.

Stick one next to a blue-leaning bumper sticker and I think the point would make itself.