Where do right-wingers get the idea that Biden suffers from dementia?

Good luck fighting those strawmen.

At least that answers the OP. Right-wingers just make things up, then get upset about being confronted about their fantasies.

I spent some time trying to find a number, but it was not forthcoming, but Biden gives a lot of eulogies.

Most of us have only given a very few, if any, and would be expected to easily remember each one off hand.

I once had a pastor that asked that we pray for the health of a member who had passed away recently. He had officated at her funeral.

He was in his 40’s, and was in no danger of cognitive decline. He just did a whole lot of funerals.

Wait, what? Joe Biden, Peter Thiel and Ego Musk are the same person? Yeah, well, now you mention it, that explains like a lot, man! Holy Trinity!

Thank you for saying what I was heading toward the “Reply” button to say. Lefties think Clinton ran a perfect campaign? Ye gods and little fishes, what an absurd argument.

Oh, I think his comments about Obama are up there too…

I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.

The President does not have dementia. He does make the occasional gaffe or misstatement and certain people will jump on that. More cynically, perhaps it is because he refuses to take a basic test and, like Trump, “pass it with flying colours”. Good to know Trump is such a stable genius that he can count backwards, remember three items for five minutes, and follow written instructions to fold a piece of paper then drop it on the ground.

Compared to Dan Quayle, those are the Gettysburg Address.

Do you suppose anyone claiming Biden has dementia can even pretend to be qualified to draw medical conclusions?

When I claim that Trump is an asshole, I’m not pretending to be a proctologist.

Excellent, and hilarious.

But basically since trump has dementia, then Biden must have. Sinc too many in deial Republican Politicians are pedos- of course the Dems are. It is called transference. They know they are, so we must be also.

Somewhere some MAGA stalwart must have a very sick basement under his pizza place.

Or, the Dems can fix any election easy-peasy, but somehow fail to get a simple majority in the House.

No, Clinton (Hillary) screwed up.We have stated this over and over It is one of the three things that caused her loss.

  1. The Comey Memo
  2. Failure to campaign in the rust belt. i.e. failure to campaign based on Electoral votes
  3. The endless negative lies and half lies by the GOP, the Kremlin and the bernie-bros.

If any of those had not occurred, she would have very likely won.


Us old folks [I’m a boomer, born 1961] can fumble for words because crap has changed. I will fully admit I am the child of an earlier time, and I give up trying to figure out what the newest most PC way to say something so I will give up, figure fuck it and go ahead and call someone 'black because I have no freaking clue what the ‘proper’ way to freaking call someone with a really good dark permanent tan. Asian, Oriental, whatever the hell. I have the benefit of not being in office so nobody really cares outside my personal circle what I say.

Honestly, I agree, we need to get younger politicians. I believe we need to go in and make a new amendment and limit offices to persons not younger than 25 and not older than 65 [for an initial term of service] and limit the number of times one may sit in an office [like president is twice, I don’t believe we have a limit to terms as vice president but I would have to look it up] I do not think any office should be lifetime - supreme court should get out of office at 75, no more than say 4 terms for other offices. We also need to modify voting - remove electoral college, mail balloting in addition to physical voting. I do see the country going to a universal ID card for all humans over 16 years old [they could set up travelling ID vans, send them out to high schools just like school picture day or those programs for registering kindergarteners with fingerprint/photo days] because pretty much everything is starting to need government ID.

It has worked at least twice, with Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan. But in Biden’s case, I don’t think he has dementia.

Ronald Reagan did not have dementia in office. He was tested every year after leaving office, and was not diagnosed until 1994, six years after leaving the Presidency. He physicians have testified that he showed NO signs of Alzheimers while in office, or for years afterwards. I have posted interviews with him after he left office where he is clearly in charge of his faculties, and a hell of a lot sharper than Joe Biden.


Let’s fight ignorance here, and not repeat old slurs.

I don’t know if Joe Biden has Alzheimers, and neither does anyone else except maybe his doctor. But it’s clear that he’s lost a step or two.

I think what we see could just be a combination of normal age-related senescence and the fact that Joe’s starting point on the intellectual ladder was already pretty low to begin with. And he’s done so much lying about his past that it’s probably hard to keep his own memory straight. Did he graduate at the top of his class, or was it the bottom third? Did he grow up in Britain, or was that Neil Kinnock? It’s so hard to keep it all straight when you are a serial prevaricator. So now he’s old, and somewhat confused.

Here’s a full hour of Reagan being interviewed two years after he left office:

Reagan CNN Interview

Joe would be happy to be able to answer questions like that for an hour. Oh, and Reagan was exactly Biden’s age when he did that interview. Biden will be two years older than that when he starts his next term.

After this thread, you’re still repeating this bullshit? After you were shown, and even partially admitted, that your assertions about Biden’s many supposed lies were largely false?

And you wonder why you get a lot of heat?

The same place they get all their other fact-free beliefs. From Faux News, QAnon, NewsMax, etc. Then they repeat them to each other until “everybody knows” it’s true. Or at least everybody they know knows it’s true.

Now where do Faux News, QAnon, NewsMax, etc., get the idea? They make it up because it sounds ever-so-slightly plausible and it supports their mission of destroying the United States as a governable country.

Now why do Faux News, QAnon, NewsMax, etc., want to destroy the USA as a governable country? Because it’s enormously profitable while it lasts. And like anyone pushing a short-term gold rush mentality, they think their golden parachute will protect them from any collateral damage when the jig is up.

It’s really no more complicated than that.

One of the lessons I learned from Obama was that he couldn’t be smeared as easily as Biden and Hilary because he hadn’t been a perennial candidate. The GOP was struggling to slander him, and their slanders (remember “celebrity”? kinda funny in an era of “Celebrity Apprentice POTUS” huh?) didn’t stick because they hadn’t had decades to drum them into their low-info voters’ heads.

I have seen literally thousands of patients with dementia. In my opinion, no President in office has displayed serious signs. If it happened at all, which I doubt, the earliest signs would be subjective, but noticeable to those close.

Presidents deal with a lot of attention, stress, complex issues and publicity. They travel a lot and often have full schedules. They comment on many things. Some gaffes are inevitable, but W. did not have it nor does Joe. It would not be easy to hide and if known, one would not want to embarrass themselves by further seeking candidacies should there be current signs. This is political, not medical, and both likely candidates are of historic age. Age brings wisdom. But I would prefer somewhat younger election options.

An excellent plan. Agree completely.

I also want a pony. A unicorn pony. With a fruitstripe horn.

No way we are gettin’ either of these things ever. Not just not in your or my lifetime, but not ever. It sux, but it’s so.

The only way we’ll get those things, as well as things like social security reform, is to pass them as bills that grandfather all the current people in. No one is going to give up their ability to run for re-election. So it would have to be something that is effective only for people who run for office who have never held office before or something like that. Likewise SS reform would have to grandfather in anyone who has already made contributions.

Both are highly unlikely. At least until everything comes apart.

Agree that the “… comes apart” is a necessary, but by no means sufficient condition.

The US problem with any sort of retirement or term limits, is the pretty well-founded belief that only a constitutional amendment, not mere congressional action, would be powerful enough to alter the rules for who can, and can’t, be a federal elected official.

So beyond the mere self-interested grandfathering you rightly point out, we also have the monster obstacle of the utter practical inability to amend the constitution.

Term limits increase corruption, anyway.