I live in:
the Roman Empire
the Byzantine Empire
the Ottoman Empire
Eastern Rumelia
and finally, just Bulgaria.
Where do you live?
I live in:
the Roman Empire
the Byzantine Empire
the Ottoman Empire
Eastern Rumelia
and finally, just Bulgaria.
Where do you live?
Sigh, everybody else in the world will live in a much more interesting place than we. I live in Nowhere, then I think the Cherokee Nation, and then a British colony, and then the United States, and then the Confederate States of America, and then the united ones again.
Illini Indians
Miami Indians
Potawotami Indians
French Louisiana
British North America
United States
With some overlap among the foregoing, of course, since European and native American claims of sovereignty weren’t mutually exclusive.
I live in:
1 The Calusa Empire
2 The Continent of “La Florida”
3 The battleground of the Seminoles
4 The USA
5 The CSA
6 The USA again
Only historically speaking, I promise.
Roman Empire
Kingdom of Mercia / Danelaw
Kingdom of Normandy / Kingdom of England
United Kingdom
Texas, as we all learned in school, has had Six Flags…
Except that the first residents didn’t have flags. The now-extinct indigenes called the “Tejas” because of their customary greeting (which reportedly meant “Friendship”) gave the state its name.
Nueva Espana (province names varied)
La Salle planted the French flag near Matagorda Bay, which he thought was the mouth of the Mississippi. The French colony failed miserably but renewed Spanish/Mexican efforts to settle the place.
Coahuila y Tejas, Republic of Mexico
Republic of Texas
State of Texas, USA
State of Texas, CSA
State of Texas, USA (again)
Lessee if I can get this straight…
Territory of the Hurons.
Depopulated zone
territory of the Iroquois
New France (-1763)
British North America - Province of Quebec (1763-1791)
British North America - Province of Upper Canada (1791-1840)
British North America - Province of Canada (1840-1867)
Dominion of Canada - Province of Ontario (1867- 1982)
Independent Canada - Province of Ontario (1867- 1982)
Territory of the Serranos.
Spanish New World Empire.
Alta California, Mexico.
California Republic.
California Territory (under military rule), United States of America.
State of California, United Staes of America.
Territory of the Catuvellauni
The Province of Britannia
Kingdom of Maxima Caesariensis (?)
The Kingdom of Wessex (on the border with Mercia)
The Kingdom of England
Then 11 hundred years of continuity - give or take the odd change of dynasty, incorporation into Great Britain, the European Union etc.
That’s just the Roman name for the place. Although it’s necessary to name the peoples and not the nations:
Sometimes it’s necessary to name the people and not a nation. And I’m sure the first bit is incomplete and incorrect :
Hmm Denver is harder than I thought, I’m not exactly sure on the totality.
Historywise I live in a place that has been:
As you can see we have been royally screwed the last 1000 years.
Powhatan Confederacy
Virginia Colony
Commonwealth of Virginia (USA)
Commonwealth of Virginia (CSA)
Commonwealth of Virginia (USA)
Same here.
Mississippian Culture
Chickasaw Territory
Spanish Territory
British Territory
French Territory
British Territory (Treaty of Paris)
Mississippi Territory (USA)
State of Mississippi (USA)
State of Mississippi (CSA)
State of Mississippi (USA)
Until last week in Musqeuam territory-- Xwméthkwyiem. Arguably until present, depending on who you ask and the intricacies of the legal system. A lot of thingsw I don’t really understand.
Since moving house:
In a less clearly-defined coastal Salish Hun’qumi’num’ speaking-neighborhood, south of Leglequi.
South of Stamp’s Mill and Granville Town, aka Gassy Town, but I think northeast of McCleery’s Farm settlement, in British North America, Columbia District.
Incorporated City of Vancouver, Colony of British Columbia, Great Britain.
Territory of British Columbia, Great Britain.
Then Canadian Confederation.
Province. Etc. Canada.
Thank you…I didn’t feel like looking it up.
A minimalist but charming studio with ravine-view and exposed beams in a reclaimed area of Olduvai Gorge.
Yokuts and Miwok Language Area
French Trappers set up a camp nearby
Rancho del Campo de Los Franceses, Alta California, Mexico
Rancho del Campo de Los Franceses, California Republic
Rancho del Campo de Los Franceses, California Territory, United States of America
Stockton, State of California, United Staes of America (The city incorporated a couple of months before statehood was official.)