I am a calendar junkie – I have a half dozen at work – this month, next month, the production schedule one, the who’s out on what day one, and a couple of day-at-a-time ones for my own amusement.
Plus an arty desk calendar – week at a time displayed opposite a handsome bit of art of some sort. The last couple years it’s been one put out by the AIA – photos of buildings taken by members, really cool. The usual source of this, Daedalus books, didn’t have it this year – or any other desk calendar that struck my fancy.
Okay, fine, sniff, I’ll wait till the half-price-on-calendars sales start on 12/26. That was today. Borders didn’t have more than a couple – and neither Audubon nor Sierra Club did a particularly great job this year. Barnes and Noble had even fewer – mostly B&N self-produced editions, which had okay pictures, but not facing every page. The remainder warehouse had a slightly better selection, but they were still at 10% off (the pre-xmas price). The other Borders didn’t have many either.
Grr. I like a desk calendar – that’s where I write down the actual things that I need to remember for any given week.
Apparently, however, I’m in a tiny minority on this.
no - just a standard blotter size utilitarian model
that and the page a day flip kind that you can never load into its holder without flinging pages all over the place
My mom is a calendar junkie too and I generally get her 2 or 3. (I only get one nice wall calendar for myself, mostly for decorative purposes.)
I noticed last year that the number of calendars available was greatly reduced. There was a series called Les Fleurs that I got her every year for 3 or 4 years that didn’t appear to exist any more (I looked for it on the Net, even - nothing). This year, I got her a couple of mini wall calendars. Not nearly as nice as ones I’ve gotten for her in the past. Borders had about 1/2 as many as they used to carry; I think Barnes and Noble had even fewer.
Only suggestion I have is to try calendars.com. Maybe they’ll have what you’re looking for…
Hm. We were just at Borders today, to get a calendar. They had hundreds of 'em, half off. If the one in Philly is nearly out of stock, try amazon, or calendars.com. One of them will have exactly what you’re looking for.
If you’re looking online, you want to look for an engagement calendar, rather than a desk calendar. Most sites seem to use desk calendar interchangeably with box/page-a-day calendar, while an engagement calendar is the week-at-a-glance with picture on the other side type.
calendars.com has over 200 engagement calendars, including plenty with photographs or artworks.
Hint: to see what the individual pages will look like, select “Click for other item views” and choose “Back cover image”, which for engagement calendars shows an individual week with accompanying image.
And I see on preview that while I was looking at all of the pretty, pretty calendars, someone beat me to it.
For anyone interested in “arty” wall calendars, woot.com has an offer until midnight today for $.87 each…you just don’t get to choose which ones you get.
I wonder if the number of calendars they stock varies by region? I was shocked at how quickly the number of calendars for sale at both Borders and B&N here in Columbus has dropped. Not just the leftovers, but the number for sale to begin with.
I was heartened to see that calendars.com still carries quite a few engagement calendars (That’s the word I was looking for! Thanks, SpoilerVirgin!). But still no Les Fleurs calendar. Did a bit of surfing around and it looks like the 2005 one was the last one.