I think we’ve all enjoyed our resident “bear cub” sharing his openness about his lifestyle. I know I have, and learned a lot from him.
In that spirit, he’s announced (in the Snark and Rose thread) that he’ll be away for a week. What if, during that week, we conduct a classic MPSIMS contest to see who can come up with the most outrageous reason for his week away. Uncle Beer will, if he is willing, judge the results, but it’s not so much to win as to put together a little surprise for him.
Outrageous hypotheses on what Sqrl is up to are now solicited:
He’s going to Scottsdale, Arizona for Asnercon 2000. Thousands of Ed Asner fans from all over the world get together to share their appreciation of their favorite gruff-but-big-hearted TV editor. (Their favorite gruff-but-big-hearted real editor is of course Ed Zotti. I wonder if there’s something about the name “Ed”.)
The convention features key grips (heh) and gaffers who have worked with Asner during his long career, role-playing games designed to make Edders (they hate being called “eddies”) feel like part of the Mary Tyler Moore team (“Can You Be Murray?” is always a big hit), collectible auctions, and more. Also, there’s a rumor going around that for the 2000 convention, which is also the 20th annual, Asner himself will make an appearance, at least on videotape. It promises to be the best Asnercon ever!