I woke up this morning to someone jiggling on my front door. Not knowing what it was, I quickly put on some sweat pants and turned on the lights. The jiggling promptly stopped. Now I am bit too wired to sleep. It is 5:30 in the morning and I needed to vent here some. No need for cusswords though, since nothing further happened. I am in my living room where my pc is with the light on and next to the front door.
I am glad I woke up. Typically, I am a fairly heavy sleeper. I don’t know what really woke me up. Maybe it was my cat that jumped out of bed or it could have been the sound. Who knows?
I just looked back out my front door. The top part is glass that is covered with some mini blinds. Nothing out there that isn’t normally out there. The stray cat I am taking care of. I can hear her meowing but can’t see her. I don’t see anything on the part of the street that I can normally see, nor do I see anything up in the ivy which makes up my lawn.
I recall a movie about this. One part about licking one in a canvas suitcase. The little critter cut his way out with a steak knife. I remember him flipping the top open and popping out Jack-in-the-box like, with the knife in his teeth. Is this the reference? What was that movie?
Yes, very scary stuff. Last summer while doing some leisurely horror reading I discovered it’s based on the short story Prey by Richard Matheson. The paperback version of I Am Legend includes this little gem. Also the cool one about the spy who gets attacked by a platoon of toy army men.
If He Who Kills is after you, SqrlCub, your ass is grass.
One time I heard someone trying to open the door of my apartment. I went to the door, opened it, and saw a naked man walking briskly away down the corridor. A WTF moment for you.
Trilogy of Terror starring Karen Black–that was some scarey shit. Does anyone remember the ending of that tale and the now have the mental image of SqrlCub squatting in his kitchen clutching a huge knife with a maniacal grin on this face revealing a mouth full of huge pointed fangs?
It’s a boy Sqrl, not a girl Sqrl. I turned him over once and checked.
So, I’m the only one who thought “Trilogy of Terror” was hilarious? I saw it when it first aired, back in the '70s, and I fell off the sofa laughing.
So, ummm, Sqrl, are you just funnin’ us, or are you really in peril? Hmmmm? It’s not nice to tease us . . . I hope to see you check in by the time I get back on Monday . . .