I want to get a new wardrobe. For background, I’m 45 and living full time in the US for the first time in a few years. For most of this century, I’ve been living in places like Aceh Indonesia, Kabul and Baghdad, all of my clothes had to be able to to stand up to my housekeeper pretty much boiling them on laundry day. I’d like to get some casual to dressy clothes that are stylish, but age appropriate.
I’d like to freshen up my wardrobe, look like a reasonably stylish urban professional, without my friends thinking I’m going through some kind of mid-life crisis What I mean is I’m not so deluded that I think I’d look good in Abercrombie and Fitch clothes, but I don’t want to shop at J.C. Penney either. Most of my current work clothes come from Jos. A. Bank, but they’re all just kind of boring. So where do adults buy their clothes? I’m in Washington, DC if that helps.