Where the hell is Jesse Jackson during all this?

JJ usually butts his head into every global affair out there. If there is a hostage situation, he nips off to help negotiations. Every been minutely discrimated with? JJ’s your man? Your son dies of an asthma attack practicing football, there is the good Reverend.

My favorite sign during the Bush/Gore Vote Ballot issue in florida last year was " Jesse, what are you doing here?"

Anyone seen hide or hair of this man?

What about the Rev. Al Sharpton? Let’s send him as ambassador to the Taliban.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe he’s busy making more illegitimate babies.

I heard on the radio today he gave a sermon at a church in Washington, DC. I couldn’t go, had to work.

Hey, Jesse’s all right. He got that pilot freed from Syria, remember? He’s the only person I ever voted for, for president (1988 primary), that I really wanted to vote for.

And his congregation will forgive him. [sub]barf [/sub]

“Do as I saaaaay.
Not as I doooooo.”

The man clearly went to the Muhammed Ali School of Vernacular.

So what about the baby! What’s the big deal? Remember Grover CLEVELAND? He got elected twice.

Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?
Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!

And then there was

Hurrah for Maria, hurrah for the kid,
We voted for Grover and we’re damn glad we did

Geez, politics used to be fun.

Jackson, Sharpton, et al. just realize they can’t make hay off this just yet. They specialize in second-guessing and finger-pointing, so they can afford to bide their time, wait until those who are really in charge make their decisions, then pop up and decry them.

I heard on the news this morning that Sharpton was seen addressing a small gathering yesterday (Sunday), but I was too groggy from just waking up to properly process the information. Perhaps another New Yorker with a clearer head will chime in and clarify.

But don’t expect anything other than rhetoric from these guys anyway. Once they determine how best the wind blows for their own ends, they’ll hustle to put their spin on it, I gar-ohn-tee.

Did anybody catch that windbag moron Allan Dershowitz on CNN? This guy thinks he knows everything! He was moaning thaT the US Govt. should have known that the terrorists were training pilots, and we should have attacked them in advance.
This guy is just brilliant! Remember-he’s the guy that said OJ Simpson wasn’t guilty!

Cleveland wasn’t a man of the cloth counseling the President on a similar matter. Jackson was, and that makes him a hypocrite of the highest order.

We see why he called it Operation PUSH .

I was enjoying not hearing about, or seeing his mug on TV. :smiley:

May I say, from the depths of my being: Who cares?

I think you meant to say, ‘blows out their back ends…’.

Sharpton led a prayer vigil in downtown Manhattan yesterday, and announced plans to visit Israel as part of an international reconciliation effort (inviting Rabbi Shmuley Boteach to join him). He said that the African-American and Jewish communities must take the lead in combating world terrorism, denounced backlash against Arab-Americans, and called for building a better relationship between American Jews and blacks.

“Politics seem not to matter when you have a 12-year-old looking for his mother,” he said.

The above was paraphrased from a short article in this morning’s Daily News. I can’t be called a Sharpton fan, but I think he handled himself pretty well yesterday.

I concur. They live for whipping the public into a frenzy, and more importantly, dividing people. Give them a little time to try to get half of the country to hate the other half.

It’s hard for me to see Jesse getting so roundly vilified. During the 1980s, he was the only one keeping the Left going through the Reagan years, the only one to inspire hope in me when everything else looked so dark. It’s still hard for me to let go of that.

What was wrong with the country when Reagan held the reigns? Hmm?


Nothing significant.


AFAIK, black people were not disproportionately harmed in this attack. What’s JJ gonna say? “The fact that there were so few black people killed shows the racism in corporate America??” He’s not going to say that, so he’s got nothing to say.

Ever since the wonderful job he did in Sierra Leone (:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:) I’m SHOCKED that President Bush hasn’t turned to the big JJ in this time of need.

Hmmm, :slight_smile: has a higher precidence than :rolleyes:

Sort of cool.