Scene: In a car.
Guy in back seat asking for a burger. Guy in front seat denying it to him. Guy in back breaks out in a song;
“I wish I had a double-burger. I wish I had a double-burger…”
Guy in front, “Here’s your fuckin’ double burger!”
Someone, please help me. I thik I’m going to have a nervous break down. Tell me where this is from… please?
I’m almost positive it is from the movie “Good Will Hunting”.
YES!!! That was absolutly hilarious!
Yeah… I loved it!
Ben Affleck said, “You’re double-burger? I payed for the damn thing. Tell you what, we’ll put your burger on layaway, you pay me your 2 cents everday and at the end of the week, you’ll have your double-burger.”
“Remember your mama? She put her sofa on layaway. Everyday she came in and payed six dollars, and by the end of the year she had her fucking sofa!!!”