Where would you go? (move to another country)

Nthing New Zealand. Not even a contest.

I’ve always wanted to go back to the UK since I lived there as a student in the '80s. After I finished grad school in the early '90s, I did apply for several jobs that would’ve taken me back over there, but I didn’t get them… and then I got the job I still have now.

If not the UK, then Ireland.

Australia, or as my then-10yo daughter called it “beach England”.

One of the nice hilly, forested, but mostly depopulated small islands of Japan.

I could live anywhere in the UK, quite happily.

I wouldn’t move anywhere near the Ring of Fire, nuh uh, no way.

The invitation to move to Nova Scotia if Trump was elected was interesting. I’ve only been there in the summer but loved Cape Breton. New Zealand is on my list of places to go. If its as nice as everyone says, maybe I won’t come back!

Someplace tropical.

Mrs. Homie and I have talked about this. My criteria are: safe for foreigners, stable government, low cost of living, easy immigration laws, and minimal or no language barrier (my Spanish isn’t great, but it’s serviceable).

One option is Mexico. The cost of living is pretty cheap, but the gated expat communities are likely still out of my price range.

Another option is Costa Rica. Low cost of living, popular with expats, and staggeringly beautiful. But the tropical heat may do me in.

Chile is also on my shortlist.

An option that I’ve been considering of late is Uruguay. A FOAF moved there a few years ago and she said it’s the best decision she’s ever made. And it’s insanely cheap there, outside of the major cities. As a plus, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The downside is that it’s mostly flat grasslands, and I grew up in the land of flat grasslands (central Illinois), and it sucks.

I am in Hawaii, where it is possible to partly ignore our clown-in-chief and his immoral, incompetent administration, so I don’t want to leave.

But if I had to, and if they would take me, I’d probably choose Singapore. Great food, clean and well-managed, access to wonderful travel opportunities in the region.

sorry, missed edit window due to crappy computer connection: HeyHomie, if yo are serious about considering a move to Mexico, feel free to PM me. My parents retired there (Ajijic, near Lake Chapala) in 2000 and my dad was there until his death in 2008; my mother remained until 2013. I would be happy to share the pros and cons they encountered with you.

Most likely Ireland, since they couldn’t very well turn me away (I have citizenship through my emigrant grandfather). Probably somewhere around Ennis.

One major sticking point — healthcare: it would grate on me ethically to use a public system to which I’ve never contributed, and I’m not sure I could afford private coverage.

Israel. They have to take me.

I’ve read about Cape Breton. Seems nice. I might just move there for reals.

Australia. I’m a citizen.

Once we don’t have dogs, AKA our hairy little anchor babies, we’ll consider it.

West Canada or New Zealand or France.

Australia, if it were closer to the U.S.

But it’s not, so Canada will do nicely.

New Zealand.

Only a couple of hours flight to go ‘home’ to Aus for visits, and the company I work for has offices in NZ (and Canada and England) but the latter two are just too far.

So I’d have work, no language issues apart from the local slang, and they have a great PM. Perfect.

Plus, Aus is getting far too full of Kiwis so it would be a meagre attempt to even out the balance. :smiley:

Canada or Denmark.

But we’re staying put. The US of A is home.

Canada. It’s right nearby for me. And it would be relatively easy to adjust to living there.

Not to be cliché, but New Zealand. My late husband was a Kiwi and we nearly moved back in the early 2000s. Had made an offer on a property in Picton and everything.

I chickened out at the last minute for a variety of reasons. It may be the decision I most regret in my whole life.