Where would you go to buy a cheap accoustic guitar?

So I just came back from an arts institute, which reinvigorated my need to buy an accoustic guitar and become a folk chick. I need advice on aquiring guitars, and where to start learning on a VERY restricted budget.

ps: did anyone miss me?

'Course I missed you.

Go to a pawn shop. They usually have scads of cheap acoustics. You might even luck up on a treasure, if you know what you’re looking for.

If not, cheap, laminated Fenders start out at something like $250 at a guitar store. They don’t sound too bad, and they’re fine for a beginner guitar.

Save up for that Breedlove Jumbo, though!

Good ta see ya! And thanks to you, I am now a Kaberry Kaboom addict.

If you’re looking for just an el cheapo beater acoustic, try the Sears or JC Penney catalog. Decent stuff, less than $100.

If you don’t mind a used guitar, try a pawn shop. You actually can get some fairly deccent things there (hell, I got my television there, a nice 19-inch Sharp, for $60).

And if you ever decide to write, I can point you to a site where you can print your own tabs. Can’t remember it off the top of my head, though.

Best of luck, and glad you’re back! :smiley:

HEY! [sub]I was going to say pawnshop! :([/sub]

My friend got a nice acoustic guitar for about 100 bucks at this musicians dicount center place. Any discount music store would probably have one pretty cheap. Or if you can talk to friends and see if anyone knows someone who might want to sell theirs if it’s not in bad condition. thats how i got my electic bass - bought it from a friends sister.

{is picturing Swiddles gazing soulfully up at the hall light in the dorm as she strums “I Gave My Love a Cherry.”}

{is pouring himself another shot of discount bourbon}

You mentioned that you’re on a budget, I understand.

But also understand I once owned a cheap acoustic guitar for
years that never would quite stay in tune more than a few minutes, (very aggravating) it just wasn’t built to the exacting tolerance that even a so-so guitar requires.

My .02 is to try and find a decent quality guitar, the best you can afford, and go one better. You won’t ever regret it. Crappy instruments are never a bargain and probably do more to turn people off music than anything I can think of. Ignore wags who advise to “buy a cheap guitar and decide if you like it and buy a good one later”

Good equipment will hold it’s value, if not increase, and has a ready market should you decide to sell. They are all around a lot more enjoyable to play, and mark you as one who appreciates the luthier’s craft.

I bought my first acoustic for $20 at a flea market. No brand name, and when I bought it it needed a new tuning peg, which resulted in my buying complete new machines for it, but the total outlay was less than $100, and it’s a wonderful piece of equipment with beautiful tone. I lucked out.

Yeah, like where have you been?

I too was to say pawn shop. Nothing newsworthy.

Try Goodwill or the Salvation Army stores. You never know what they will have, and stuff tends to be cheaper than dirt cheap. I bet someone would set one aside for you if you asked- the people who work at those places seem very nice.

Otherwise, I’d check pawn shops, music stores that carry used instruments, garage sales, and the classified ads in the paper.

Oh, and I -did- miss you.

Guitars only hold their value if you don’t have to sell them. You’ll never get what you paid for it if you need to sell it in a hurry. This is probably because there are already so many available in pawn shops.

Take a guitar-playing buddy with you to the pawn shop. Try some geets that feel comfortable and then ask your bud about quality. No sense getting a quality instrument that’s too big for your hands. You can have a music shop set up the strings so they’re nice and low and use light strings so you don’t put huge ugly creases in your fingertips.

Little tip for building up the calluses: dissolve some alum in warm water, dip your fretting hand in, then hold your hand fingertips-down until dry. The idea is the alum makes the skin contract and toughen up. Could be just guitar-player’s hoodoo, but worth a try.

You’ll never get what you paid for anything if you’re in a hurry–

eBay. I got mine there, and I love it. I paid $69 for a $400 model. Woo hoo!

Swiddles, not only did we miss you, but you posted that 24 hours ago so I’m already starting to miss you again.

If you live anywhere near Rochester, try the House of Guitars on Titus Ave. It’s a good store, but the TV commercials were the best thing about them.

I don’t expect you are anywhere near there, but I felt compelled to share.

Oh man, you know what THIS means, don’t you?

It means she got herself the guitar, and is too busy working out the progression to “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” to come back here and post.

F…to C seventh…to F…to G minor…to C seventh…to F…

Feh. I have recently decided that my present from Uncle George W will be spent on two things: Paying off Speeding tickets and getting a guitar.

OK, so I’ll have about $150 to spend. Lets assume that I can’t find anything at pawn shops. (a good assumption, since I don’t think Burlington HAS a pawn shop. Seriously.) Any brand names that I should know about that put out good cheap guitars? I know the biggies, Fender, Gibson. My friend got a Yamaha at Costco for $94, how do we feel about those?

And Ike, Dylan is a little closer to my planned set list. Maybe some Ani. And Indigo Girls. And Christine Lavin. And, of couse, Guster. Ooooh, I can’t wait.

While I’m at it, does anyone know of a superior learning-to-play book?

I haven’t seen anyone mention this. But here in good ol California, there’s a store called The Music Box. You can rent to own your guitar. I “owned” a guitar for 2 years paying 10 dollars a month to rent it. Everyone i knew was shocked that i was paying 10 bucks to rent it. It wasn’t a bad guitar either.

So we were discussing how we were going to spend our rebate, and I mentioned my guitar. Another waitress, whom I met literally the night before, said “I have one I’m not using.” So she’s gonna give it to me!!!

Next: any suggestions on what books/programs/websites are the most helpful for learners?