“Virginia Schoolchildren to be Forced to Recite Pledge” has been moved to Great Debates, but I suspect it will probably be in the Pit before long.
Worth a Look (?) (about the skunkape) has been moved to Great Debates.
This has **got[/b[ to be bumped. If for no other reason than it’s the perfect title for moved threads.
Yes, appropriate and downright pissy! WTG, Euty!
“La Belle Dame Sans Merci” has been moved to “Actual” … I mean, “General Questions”
“Snatch and the Holocaust” has been moved to Great Debates.
Yessss, it seems Euty is becoming bitter, according to the plan. Everything proceeds according to the schedule.
We shall know that the plan is complete when Euty begins brandishing a cane, and shouting at small children to stay off his lawn, dammit.
Exxxxxcelent. <maniacal laughter>
What do you just love about newbies? - OP by Mahaloth - Moved to the damned pit.
Rich G7sub’s “What happened BRAVES fans” has been moved back to IMHO again. Yeah, yeah, so it was moved from there to begin with. That’s what happens when you brain the UMP with a flying beer bottle.
Euty’s getting pissed! Cool! Everybody come look!
The Oceans - Unlimited Energy Source? - OP by egkelly - Moved to to the damned GQ forum
This isn’t just where your thread went to. It’s where your damn thread went to! Remember that these threads are a special breed of thread, not just the average one.
Some day, I hope to aspire to the position where my very own damn thread is on this list. sighs and blinks dreamily
Sorry Eutychus, I couldn’t resist.
Kudos for VA! Or Why I like Gov Gilmore - OP by Jonathan Chance - moved to Great Damned Debates - http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=67038
are you religious without being spiritual, spiritual without being religious… - OP by berdollos - Moved to In My Humble Damned Opinion.
You crack me up, UncleBeer.
What color is your jabberwocky? - OP by JoeyImage - Moved to the damned BBQ Pit.
How does God view Suicide - OP by LilCutie - moved to Damned Good Debates
Anyone know anything about predicate logic? - OP by Cumber - Moved the damned thing to General Questions.
Searching for Greek pottery illustrations of the Odyssey (formerly known as searching … searching … searching) - OP by Tuckerfan - Moved to the G[sub]*damned[/sub]*Q forum.
[Edited by UncleBeer on 06-19-2001 at 12:34 PM]
What the fuck is wrong with people!?! - OP by *malkavia - The thread’s been damned and banished to the Pit.