Which one of the Fab Four had the best voice? I suppose Ringo will be at the bottom, with George coming in at number three, but I for one can never decide if I like John’s or Paul’s voice better! What do you guys think?
I think it comes down to personal opinions. Paul probably had the greater range, John’s voice was more versatile and expressive. I prefer John.
“Best” for what? If you’re talking rock & roll, then of course John Lennon, not really debateable.
Yeah, it is kind of debatable. Paul could rock just fine. “Helter Skelter,” anyone?
Both guys could sing their asses off, Paul just came equipped with better pipes.
Without a doubt, Paul. Lennon was more versatile than George or Ringo, but they were almost as good as John in the songs they did.
George carried that group for years. I’m not kidding.
She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!
Technically, I think Paul had the better voice.
Listening to The Beatles’ demos and outtakes you kind of realize how much of John’s “voice” was studio-enhanced. That said, however, I actually prefer John’s singing to Paul’s.
They were both top-notch rock and roll screamers- Paul was great on “I’m Down.” Heck, ever heard him do "Lucille on the Concerts for Kampuchea album? Every so often, just when you’re inclined to think “Ebony and Ivory” or “The Girl Is Mine” is all he can do, he’ll let rip with an old rocker that will remind you why Lennon invited Paul to join his band in the first place.
Without a doubt the Beatle with the BEST voice was, of course…Pete.
John and Paul were mainly songwriters, not singers.
Neither of them had very good voices for ballads. Not even Paul, though he sang a lot of them. Listen to the “naked” version of “The Long and Winding Road” and you’ll realize why Phil Spector sweetened it with all those strings and choirs. Or listen to “Here There and Everywhere” and flinch everytime he doesn’t quite hit his note.
Both he and John had good rock’n’roll shouter voices. Lennon’s was more distinctive, though–Paul usually ends up sounding like he’s channelling Little Richard, one of his main influences.
I agree with Wumpus. John and Paul were great songwriters, but only passable singers. George is underrated. I think he was at least as good a singer as J or P.
Passable singers? Couldn’t disagree more.
I think they were both amazing singers. Paul was a better choice in terms of conventional singing, and had more versatility.
On the other hand, John could take it to places where no-one else could ever go. He had a way of alternating between this etheral, delicate quality and raw power that is totally unique. Check out the end of “I’m So Tired” or at the end of “God” on Platic Ono Band album, which the second addition of the Rolling Stone record guide correctly called the greatest singing in history of rock music. Or “Mother”, “Jealous Guy”, “In My Life”, “Strawberry Fields”, “Julia”, " A Day in the Life"or about a million others. I have to go with John.
It is interesting that the vast majority of Beatle covers are Paul songs. I think it is because John’s phrasing is so hard to duplicate.
George is a very underrated singer. Some of the most passionate and effective vocals I have ever heard are on his final album, BRAINWASHED. Check it out.
i prefer George…not that he had the best voice…he is just my fave
Ah, I see someone beat me to that joke.
John Lennon had a GREAT voice for Rock n’ Roll. One of the best.
Listen to “Twist and Shout”. Now consider that he laid that track down at like, 11pm, after a full day of recording, in one take.
In my opinion, for ‘roots’ Rock n’ Roll, John Lennon had one of the best voices ever.
Paul may have had more range, but his voice didn’t have the emotional depth of John’s.
I personally think that John had the warmer timbre in his voice - at least in the lower half of his register.
On songs like “If I Fell” (which by the way has harmonies so sweet and perfect you could almost cry) you’ll note that John had studied long and hard how to do the Everly Brothers technique. That is, Paul would sing the main melody - the part that everyone remembers and sings in the shower - but John would sing what’s known as an “upper fifth” melody and then drop it by an octave. He admitted many a time that it was his favourite ever vocal harmony style and that he learnt it directly from the Everly Brothers.
Because John’s voice had the warmer, earthier timbre than Pauls, his lower register was louder than Pauls - relatively speaking and it made their harmonies arguably the best of the 60’s - surpassed only by the Righetous Brothers and The Beach Boys of course.
Paul’s voice remains a very sweet thing - albeit years of smoking and screaming have taken the edge off his upper register no doubt - but tunes like “Live and Let Die” show that he had very good range and very good intonation.
John, conversely, was a very heavy smoker. He loved those filterless Gitanes. The doctor who performed his autopsy was quoted as being thoroughly shocked by his “wretched physical condition” at the time of his unfortunate death. Years of smoking had left John’s voice in it’s upper register as a very “reedy, somewhat quavering” timbre but his lower register remained just fine - as is often the case.
However, for those who would argue that The Beatles didn’t have voices anywhere near as good as their songwriting, I offer the following two exhibits as demonstrable proof that nothing could be further from the truth…
(1) She’s Leaving Home - main vocal Paul with wonderful counter harmonies by John and George.
(2) The Sun King - Abbey Road. THey really let loose on that one. 8 part harmonies double tracked on an 8 track Studer which were mixed down on to 4 tracks. Beautiful gorgeous lush vocals. Pitch perfect and as good as you’ll ever hear.
I prefer John. For “Julia” and “Jealous guy”
John asked Paul to join because Paul knew the words to Eddie Cochran’s “20 Flight Rock”- Paul sings it on the anthology when he tells the story. Correct that none was fabulous-& John couldn’t stand to listen to his own voice. John had a great rock voice-really? His solo rock "oldies"album sucked.(The Roots album) Overall Paul was better-more range & more versatile. Why he sang the bridges on “Hard Day’s Night”-John couldn’t hit the notes. On “Twist & Shout” does anyone seriously think John holds a candle to Ronald Isley?
I prefer John. Paul could sing better but John is much more sincere sounding. But the three of them were great singers, no doubt about that.