I am a kodiak guy, I’ve dipped ever since my 18th birthday, about 7 or 8 months. Lots of people say that is completely disgusting and they dont want to be around me when i am doing it. But i cant see how its any worse than somking. Its probably even better than smoking (no smoke). But what do y’all think?
I guess my response would have to be…would you rather I kicked you in the head, or in the crotch?
Y’know, there is a third choice.
What the Hell is dipped
Homeslice …
Drop the habit NOW. Both are nasty, icky habits. I used to smoke. For TEN YEARS. I quit 11 months ago. No regrets. Even when I did smoke, the rule of thumb was, “dips don’t touch my lips.” The other way to look at it is to ask yourself, “Does anyone look attractive while spitting?” Besides, dip is a fasttrack to mouth cancer.
Both are gross. If I had to choose one or the other, I’d choose smoking, though. Why? Smoking may make your teeth yellow, your breath smell, and eventually give you cancer, but it doesn’t actually make your gums recede, your teeth turn black and fall out, and make you spit nasty brown slime in public.
But the topper is, I used to work with a guy who dipped AND chewed nicotine gum.
Ask your dentist or periodontist to show you some pictures of long-term chewers.
Its not like i go through a can a day. I dip maybe 4 or 5 times a week. Always have since i started.
I assume that dip is chewing.
Used to know a guy nicknamed “scabby teeth” he chewed all the time.
Never got the hang of it myself. As soon as I put it between my cheek and gum I had to spit. It was either spit or swallow so I tried both.
Then there was the time I tried the Plug.Same thing only I had a mouthful to get rid of.Kind of gross when you are in a grocery store.
4 or 5 times a week is experimenting.
Take a look at what you want for the rest of your life.
In this real world the worst can happen and nobody will give a shit. You had better take care of yourself.
You already know what is best for you.
To hell with impressing others.
Don’t matter. Homeslice, quit now, while you are ahead. It is still a truely nasty, disgusting habit!!! Smoking is too, but, (the only saving grace) at least when you smoke, you don’t spit. This may seem off the subject, but, Homeslice, do you have goals? What do you want to be when you grow up? (I’m 27, still in the process of answering that question!)
When I was on the crew team in college we all dipped. Don’t know why we did it except we thought it was cool. Kodiac was what I liked. I didn’t spit, but instead swallowed so I got a pretty good jolt of the stuff. I got so addicted I couldn’t go more than maybe a half-hour without dipping and my lower lipped burned like hell all the time. I tried stopping several times with no success. Finally I started smoking cigarettes which then enabled me to stop dipping. After a couple months I gave up the smoking. It was quite an addiction at the time.
Home: You should quit, but you already know that. But dip is better, at least with dip, you go to hell in your own handbasket, and don’t drag anyone with you. In America, we all get to choose our own handbasket, but you don’t get to make other people ride in yours. Second-hand smoke kills.
I believe this weks straight dope states that @nd hand smoke isn’t as dangerous as believed.
Also dipping is much less bad than smoking. Cancer of the lungs equals death. Cancer of the gums equals life without gums.
You swallowed the stuff? You must have an iron stomach. If I swallow any, I throw up.
osiej, I do have goals, I’ll be starting Clemson in the fall, majoring in packaging science. I plan to finish in four years and get a job straight out of college, hopefully making at least 40K a year. Is that a goal?
The best of luck to you
Basically, it comes down to a simple question: Where would you prefer your cancer? BTW, I’m a smoker, but just cigars (he said haughtily, as though it were somehow better).
lab: Cece said that some of the danger was unsupported, not that it wasn’t dangerous. The evidence for cancer is thin. The evidence for heart disease & lung problems is solid. Read it again.
Cancer of the gums equals possible cancer of the mouth and tongue. This means possible removal of tissue–pieces of cheek, and yes, tongue.
Cancer of the gums equals possibly having anywhere from several to all teeth removed–sometimes including parts of the jaw, if that serious.
Cancer of the gums is still cancer, which puts your life in jeopardy.
Dipping, or chew, is a very quick way to get cancer, if that is what you want. The ex-husband was in dental school, and studied this exstensively, so I know a little about it. To put it pretty simply, the mucous membranes in your mouth heal very quickly, as you may notice when you pull a tooth or accidentally bite your cheek. When you chew, you are damaging these tissues, and they are constantly trying to heal themselves from this damage. What happens, basically, with this constant damage/heal cycle, abnormal cells can appear as soon as six months to a year. These abnormal cells open the door wide for cancer to appear. This happens much quicker than smoking (and don’t think I’m giving the OK to smoke now!) because of the higher concentration of carcinogens in *direct *contact with your flesh.
Besides, take it from a girl, we *don’t *like guys that chew–your breath still smells like an ashtray, and we don’t like guys spitting big ole brown wads in public.
Dip is worse, definetly. It’s the spitting that does it. If you must dip, get really macho and swallow. I still won’t kiss you, but I will sit within 10 feet.
Having helped clean up an arena (to raise funds) after a George Straight concert, I can firmly say that at the least, picking up cups of brown ooze is far worse than picking up butts…
You ought to try to tell a bunch of 4-Hers not to screw the top off and pour out the yellow contents of a discarded pepsi bottle when they are picking up litter along the highway.
And now back to our regularly scheduled thread
My lord. I can’t believe anyone smart enough to operate a computer would be dumb enough to chew tobacco. There is a prevailing societal idea that cigarettes are cool, that smoking makes you look cool, like a rebel, whatever, so I can ALMOST see why someone would start smoking, but personally, my picture of someone who chews tobacco is a total hick, an uneducated fool who didn’t make it past the 6th grade. Am I alone in this? For the record, I don’t think I know a single person who does this.
A few years ago the baseball coach at a local high school, who had taken up the habit while playing in the minor leagues, was diagnosed with cancer of the mouth, and had to have his jaw removed. Then he died.