On the nominations for opened positions on the Supreme Court affecting the direction during the next four years, it really depends on which Justices leave the Court. It appears that Rehnquist will leave and a solid strict constructionist replacement will only preserve the present balance. John Paul Stevens is pretty old and getting older. Safe to call him number two? Who else?
Venture guesses on replacements?
O’Connor has had health problems, and there were rumors she wanted to leave as early as the Clinton administration. I doubt she wants to stay indefinitely.
It may be easier to look at it the other way. Siix of the justices have health and/or age issues. Thomas is rumored to be unhappy. Only Scalia and Kennedy look like
reasonably safe bets to hang around for a long time.
Alberto Gonzales was rumored as a possible replacement, especially since it’s been said there will be a Latino appointed to the next vacancy. But it looks like he’ll be the new Attorney General instead, so maybe Miguel Estrada will be nominated.
O’Connor is rumored to have complained on Election Night 2000, when it looked like Gore would win, that she was upset she couldn’t quit for four more years. Of course, if that’s true, she could have quit at any time in the last four years. But go figure.
Here’s a recent CNN piece about possible nominees.