Which of these highly rated events did you see?

I have never watched a Superbowl.

Off this list in the poll, I did not watch either Dallas or Roots.

Considering half of them happened before I was born, none.

My parents were Dallas fans, so I saw that - I would have been 11. And I remember watching the MASH finale and all the kids talking about it the next day. Roots and GWTW were below my radar at 7-8 years old and the others were before I was born.

Bless you for making me feel less old!

(Hijack) I hate that Tapatalk doesn’t display polls so in threads like this one where the OP doesn’t list the poll options, you don’t know what options are under discussion. (/hijack)

What do you mean? You don’t see the poll options at the top of the thread?

I only saw MASH. I was living in a dorm in college, and everyone got together in the common sitting room with the TV.

I didn’t check the Beatles on Ed Sullivan because I don’t remember it. But Mom has said I watched it with her when I was 2.

I do remember watching The Fugitive finale with her and the rest on my own.

Saw all of those. The Fugitive was the one that didn’t leave a real impression. I had only seen one or two of the episodes before then, but the show was well known at the time, often parodied and there were Fugitive jokes making the rounds.

I don’t think I’ve seen any of them (I’m certainly too young for most of them). I have, however, seen most Superbowls in the past couple of decades.

Current results (first number is year - provided by the OP, second number is number of votes as of right now, and the percent is the percent of votes):

Beatles on Ed Sullivan (1964) 33 26.61%
Finale of “The Fugitive” (1967) 18 14.52%
TV debut of “Gone With The Wind” (1976) 25 20.16%
Finale of “Roots” (1977) 56 45.16%
JR’s shooter revealed on “Dallas” (1980) 45 36.29%
Finale of MASH (1983)112 89.60%

I have never watched a Superbowl ever, except an occasional halftime show.

I have seen everything listed, except maybe The Fugitive. which I didn’t watch often. but I was curious as to what happened in the final ep.

( Beginning to feel like Tom Bombadil, present when the earth’s crust cooled, lol! - except for football, and that is the equivalant of The Ring, it holds no interest and has no power over me.)

I saw the finale of Roots. My mom hooked me on the first show and I loved the rest.

I sort of watched the JR storyline. My sisters were into Dallas, and I was outnumbered.

My friend’s parents had a sort of “farewell” party the night the “MAS*H” finale aired. They even let us have champagne!

None of the above.

I was born in 1977, so MASH is the only one I could possibly have seen.

I…may have seen it. May not. I know I’ve watched MASH since before I can remember, but I’m not sure if I caught the finale when it first aired.

Thanks, so I don’t have to feel so dadblasted young. I saw OJ’s verdict, I think. I may have only seen it being shown on the news or something. But I think I saw it live.

You see, one of my teachers had made a really big deal about it, to the point where, when there was a free day in class, she’d have us watch the coverage. We were an advanced class, so it was assumed we could work with the TV on.

Roots, Dallas and MASH.
I was nine when Roots aired and I remember watching it and I assume I watched the finale but I don’t remember a lot about it. I wasn’t really a big fan of Dallas but there was so much hype about that episode and I watched it just to see who it was. I liked M
ASH and made sure I saw the final episode.

MASH finale, only.

Saw MASH when it happened.

Never watched Dallas, but probably saw a clip of it at some point.

Only saw Roots when a teacher showed it in history class in the 90’s.

Never watched GWTW.

Too young to have watched The Fugitive live, but I did watch it in late night reruns around 89-90.

Way too young for Beatles on Sullivan, but have seen footage of it over the years of course.

I watched a lot of TV growing, and saw most of these.
I was SURE the Apollo 11 mission would have been on this list. tsk tsk :slight_smile:

Guess what I am watching right now?
The episode where Radar goes home.

And yes, that final episode made me weapy as well.

I know I watched all of them but the Beatles. I may have watched that too but am unsure. At that time, my parents had control of the television channels. They did watch Ed Sullivan. I don’t recall seeing that particular show. It’s possible, but I may have been out playing at the time.

This poll seems rather America-centric.

I saw the finale of Roots and the last episode of MASH, but they were several months, if not years, after America screened them.

I did not watch Dallas, and the rest are before my time or not part of my culture.