I think for me it’s the bit in TTT when Aragorn goes off the cliff. It just reeks of Holywood cheese to me.
Gollum talking to himself. Everyone else thought it was comedy but I just thought it was annoying.
The last half an hour of ROTK.
Shoulda done a Dynasty on it and had them all mashed by a dragon or something.
The various ending scenes. Even though they left out some parts of the book the editing made it seem overly drawn out IMO. In the various cuts to a black screen the audience was like “Ok, its over…” then another scene would start.
That the communal bathing scene in Fellowship was cut. Boo, I say!
I didn’t appreciate Gimli’s being made into a comic character.
I agree, but you can’t really wrap up a 10 hour movie in 5 minutes either.
Really, after they destroyed the ring, basically we had 3 scenes: Minas Tirith (can’t cut it), Back to the Shire (can’t cut it), the Havens (can’t really cut it), and then 1 minute showing Sam back at home.
If they put in “The Scouring of the Shire”, it would have seemed VERY drawn out.
it’s not about cutting the length short, it’s the way the ending is handled - teasing us with several endings that are not.
Yeah – you’re right, with all the “fade-to-blacks”. That was a little annoying.
I guess I knew the ending well enough from reading that I was never actually “tricked”.
The only thing that bugged me about the movies was Arwen. She never seemed like a real character to me, more 2 dimensional.
Any part where the screenwriters felt they had to be clever and add BS that was A) Unnecessary and B) Not in the Books.
Cliff Diving cringe
A meaningless visit to Osgiliath with Frodo playing ‘Taunt the Fell Beast’ smack forehead
Hunka Hunka Burning Denethor groan
Frodo hanging from the Cracks of Doom curse
All but a handful of lines from Gimli
“Nobody throws this dwarf”.
Oh, and Cate Blanchett’s delivery of her final lines. She sounded more retarded than mystical.
i’ve read the books, so i was actually disappointed by the short ending. the girl behind me however, broke down and gave a plaintive “oh no… it’s not finished yet?!” and i couldn’t help but burst out laughing. i clapped along with everyone else when the words ‘the end’ came on screen, i’m just not quite sure what i was clapping for.
I agree with Gimli. They missed the mark there; they could have made the rivalry with Legolas funny without making Gimli a clown.
Other that that there wasn’t any scene IN the films I minded at all. I do think they needed a minute or two to explain Denethor’s madness and they should have kept the gift-giving scene; most of the time I think “Director’s Cuts” suck ass and the deleted scenes should have been deleted, but in the case of the LOTR movies, each movie could have been made a lot more understandable with just two more minutes of footage. 95% of the cuts and script omissions made sense, but those two things needed to be there.
I agree, I didnt like Arwen much at all.
The Galadriel special effects extravaganza in FoTR…it was a bit over the top. Totally broke the mood for me. I think it would have been better done with fading the background to black behind her and backlighting her to almost painful brightness (at the same time panning the camera so that she appears to grow taller) rather than the ‘photo-negative’ view we got of her.
Gimli the comedian.
Arwen the whiner.
The horn of Helms deep. TTT has been on heavy rotation on some movie channels and the more i watch it the more it bothers me. After the wonderfull “Ride out and meet them… Forth Eorlingas!!!” scene between Aragorn and Theoden and the glorious charge of the remaining knights of Rohan through the gates we get the most anti climatic wet fart awfull sounding horn i’ve ever heard…
Elronds fantastic line “You will be…The Fellowship of the Ring!” was I think one of the most unforgivable things, that and perhaps Frodo penning The Lord of the Rings at the end of ROTK.
Of course Gandalf being a bumbling fool at Bag End and hitting his head on a beam was obviously a bit of screenwriting magic…as well.