For me, it’s a tie between IMHO and MPSIMS. I feel that these two show the most “human” side of SDMB posters. I’ve laughed and cried with fellow Dopers over the years as I’ve read the countless stories, jokes, and memorial threads (I still think it’s a travesty that thread “memorials” have to be posted in a sub-forum starting with “Mundane Pointless Stuff”).
It’s somewhat strange, because I initially joined the board for answers to factual questions (GQ) and was intrigued by the seven-or-eight-page-long Theism vs. Atheism threads in Great Debates. That’s because when I first found this site, this was my absolutely favorite topic to discuss. It is now probably my least.
I’ll hangout occasionally in Cafe Society or The Game Room, and sometimes look at the Pit-of-the-Week to see which poster is currently being called out. This is mainly for entertainment purposes.
I hardly ever venture into GD. Also, something about the rogue, isolated sub-forum, “The Barn House,” just creeps me out. I think I stuck my head in there once, got scared, and vowed never to return.
I post more in The Game Room, MPSIMS, Great Debates, and IMHO. Sometimes I hop into General Questions or ATMB, but I very rately go into The Pit. I just don’t understand it.
A survey of favorite SDMB forums was done a month or 2 ago. You can check the archives for that recent thread… I think overwhelming opinion was that GD was the least favorite.
I post a lot and most weeks half my posts are in the game room as I am a huge Baseball fan, sports fan in general and a role-player. I post/read often in ATMB, the Pit & Café. GQ, GD, MPSIMS and IMHO I post and read regularly but less often. I rarely post or read the two comments forums and almost never look at the forums not in Main.
Oh, apparently if you type the words New Jersey, Yankees or Tolkien or put something Tolkien related in a thread title I have a reputation for appearing within a few days to add a comment or 12.
I start at GQ, then drop down to CS, through to IMHO and on to MPSIMS. After that I usually rotate back up to GQ. If it is a slow day and I start to lose interest, I’ll short cut down to the Pit.
Ditto this for me. I check these two out all the time. I go to the Game Room and Cafe Society a fair amount, too, especially if I’m participating in any games. I visit the other three some, but only stay there is there is a particularly interesting or funny thread to read. I almost never read the comments on articles or the ATMB forum.
I post least in the Games forum. I have no interest in sports or video games, and while in theory I should be obsessed with What Exit’s Middle-earth quests, in fact I avoid them because I know I’d become obsessed in, like, 2 minutes.
Most is probably Cafe Society.
I’ve posted in every sub-forum at one time or another, but I’d say most of my time is spent in CS and MPSIMS. Followed by the Game Room and GQ, then IMHO and the Pit. GD and ATMB are at the bottom. I usually start with CS when I log on in the morning, then cycle through the rest of the forums in order, stopping when I see something of interest.
I always check out GQ/CS/IMHO/MPSIMS every time I visit here. I don’t post enough here to have a posting fave though. I occasionally check out GR, but since I don’t care about video games it’s too exhausting to wade through to find sports posts. GD is way too much an argue past each other thing to bother with. I almost never see the column reply forums. There’s virtually nobody there, and I barely even bother with “Cecil’s” columns these days anyway. Why is the Pit even here? In a board dedicated to reducing ignorance, why have a place that furthers the combatitive attitudes that dominate so much public discourse?