Which would you pick -- Present "A" or Present "B"?

My husband, godlove’im, is all stressed out about my Christmas gift. Here’s what he said,“You would really, really, love Present A, but you can’t have it for 4 to 6 weeks, and you would still really like Present B, but hey, it’s not Present A.”

Which would you Dopers pick? (From that lame amount of information.)

GirlFace, sorry sweetie, but wrong forum.

However, I’d wait for the cooler gift.


It may be that when an ornithologist says the Water Ouzel walks under the water, he only means that he has seen a Water Ouzel or some other bird sitting on a stone in the general vicinity of a body of water.
–Will Cuppy

Yeah, sorry about that. Maybe I could turn it into a rant by saying that I hate that he gave me the choice…why do people do that…why couldn’t he just make up his mind! (how’s that?)

Yeah! What the hell is wrong with him anyway? Giving you a choice. Making YOU make decisions. This is a gift FROM him TO you, right? Why should you have to make choices?
I’d go for present A. Sounds like it might be worth the wait.

When in doubt- BOTH! Presents aren’t just for Christmas, you know!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

This is simple. $-6 weeks would be PLENTY of time for your Valentine’s Day gift to arrive.

Present B would be fine for now!

Sue from El Paso

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

What is he - a sadist? I’d go for Present A, but it had better be worth waiting for… :slight_smile:

a bit late yes, but tell him to give you what he wants to give you. thats the best present ever.


Well, I did tell him to give me what he wanted to (which was both), but he opted for Plan B. It was way cool, and he said Plan A will be for birthday or next Xmas.