While You're Renovating the Board...

Another board that I visit every now and then allows members to edit their stuff even after it’s been submitted. It is also a UBB, so I just wanted to say that this is a really GREAT idea and I know it can be done. I’m here to beg and plead…pleeeeeaaaaase can we have an edit function, too?? Pretty please with sugar on top?

“Wednesday the 15th - Chris made one of her rare good points today.”

Thing is, with all the debating, arguing, and fistfighting that we do on here, the edit function could cause a lot of trouble.

Imagine, two days after I post, I go back and edit what I said so that the original meaning changes…would be a heck of a lot of fun for Trolls.

Yeah, it puts a This Post Edited By… flag at the bottom of the post, but once that flag becomes common, people won’t even pay it any attention.


It can be done on this board. After you are done typing your message, look at it. Make your corrections. Look at it again. Post it.

Oh, you mean self-censorship after the fact? You have to be a member of Congress to do that. Just look at the Congressional Record! :wink:

Thank you, Slythe. Why didn’t I think of that? What about when I hit submit, see an error, hit stop, edit, and resubmit, only find that the original message actually went through? Now I have a double-post, and I hate having double-posts.

“Wednesday the 15th - Chris made one of her rare good points today.”

What about when someone writes a totally offensive post, then goes back and deletes it? That’s part of the UBB edit option, and when a post is deleted there is no This post was deleted by. . .


The Power Of Christ: 2000 years and He hasn’t come yet!

Ok, ok…bad idea. Bad, bad, bad, bad. I guess I’m just too trusting…I know that I would only use it to fix mistakes or get rid of a dupe post, but I can certainly see it being abused. Nevermind.

:::wishing I could delete the OP:::

“Wednesday the 15th - Chris made one of her rare good points today.”

It’s ok, Chris. I understand; I thought about asking for it, too, until I thought about certain posters on this board being able to delete/change anything they want!


The Power Of Christ: 2000 years and He hasn’t come yet!

Just a thought, as I don’t know if this is possible with UBB software. Can the edit function be enabled in some, but not all fora? The deceptive editing ploys might be a problem (although I doubt much of one) in GD or the Pit, but would not mean much in GQ, MPSIMS, etc.

Nope, can’t be selective, it’s either edit on or off.

You can see why we don’t enable that function . . . and we wish it could be different, but there’s enough fights around here as it is.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

Post in haste…

Repent at leisure…

Think before you click the Submit button.

Yeah, I know…

"Why don’t you follow your own advice, Wally?

Stop telling God what to do.

One thing I’ve seen on other boards is the ability to edit your post, but only if yours is the latest post. This would keep abuses down, but also give you the chance to fix misspellings, bad UBB/HTML codes, etc.

Hey, that would be good. Is that something to think about?

“Wednesday the 15th - Chris made one of her rare good points today.”

Is that a new UBB function? Need to go take a look.

It’s not the worst idea I ever heard, but I can still see the potential abuses, unfortunately. What the heck, let me go investigate.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

I can’t remember now if it was UBB boards I’ve seen that feature on or not; so I don’t know if thats standard or something custom.

'twould be a nice feature though.

I know this is rather trivial, but could you adjust the clock so it shows the correct time. I am posting at 11:33:00

Hopefully the time will be reset when the upgrade is applied . . .happening this week!

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

How about “preview” instead of edit? On one board I post to, there is a preview button so you can see how your post will look before posting, and then and “edit some more” from the preview screen, in case you do see an error. So all this happens before you ever click on post. I do go back and read/edit before posting, but because the message box is so small and because the icons, quotes, etc. don’t show as they would once posted, it’s sometimes hard to catch mistakes. Just a thought.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

See what I mean? Ugh! That should read, and then AN “edit some more” button. Maybe if I uncrossed my fingers before typing. :wink:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

In the Adobe boards you can do a preview, so you know what it looks like which is a good thing, but I would LOVE to see a spell check.

I am not the best speller and end up either making a butt of myself (which isn’t hard to do anyway :slight_smile: ) but I often end up launching Word to help me, provided Gates’ programmers haven’t screwed something up.