Whisky Tango Foxtrot!!! Shooting at the Holocaust Museum

I hope the guard who was shot comes through ok. It looks like the guards responded as well as could have been expected. Too bad they weren’t able to take him down before he fired, but at least they got him before he was able to do any damage to the public. The museum was reportedly full of kids today. If security hadn’t been so tight, there could have been a real massacre.

This is the second act of right wing terrorism this month. I guess that DHS report wan’t so crazy after al.

They’re reporting the guard has died in the hospital.

They just posted that the guard has died. How sad.

I can’t decide whether that statement is sweetly naive or terribly disingenuous.

We also apparently imitate ticks:


The Hatin’ Bastids would be an awesome band name!

I wonder if this guy was hanging around with former KKK member Robert Byrd back in the day?

Also, will anyone accuse Obama’s spiritual mentor for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, for contributing to the “atmosphere of hate” which allows this type of violence to fester? He’s quoted today as referring to “them Jews,” you know.

Link: http://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-local_wright_0610jun10,0,7603283.story

Apparently former Maine Representative, Senator and US Secretary of Defense William Cohen was at the museum with his wife, Janet Langham, for the premiere of her play, Anne and Emmett, an imaginary conversation between Anne Frank and Emmett Till. Irony pops up everywhere…

(And it is really freaking amazing how quickly Wikipedia gets updated…)

From von Brunn’s website:
"And so, on December 7, 1981, a bright, crisp morning James Wenneker von Brunn visited the Federal Reserve Building on Constitution Ave., across from the Washington Monument, Washington D.C. I had cased the building twice before, and talked at length with one of the guards, a retire U.S. Marine. I posed as a freelance newspaper reporter. I wore a trench-coat with a camera-case slung over my shoulder. . The Marine (“HARRY”)) guided me through the Board Room, and Paul Volcker’s office; there I met his secretary, a smartly dressed middle-aged lady with gray hair. My objective was to arrest Volcker and the FED Brd of Governors.

I intended to bind their hands, and persuade them to appear on Television…"

Sorry I don’t know how to make the links look better.

The page linked here is very long; he gives his autobiography and his explanations of how the Illuminati runs the FED or something before he tells the story of his “caper”.

This guy is keeerazy! He’s a Stormfronter, a militiaman, a eugenicist, a gold bug, a Truther, and a Birther. That’s like the double hat trick of ultra-right-wing nutso.

I guess the longer you carry it, the stronger it gets.

And Clinton got a blowjob from a Jewish girl!

Von Brunn claims on his website that he is a member of Mensa, which should be good enough for it’s own thread.

Ew. Nobody told me about that when I converted.

It really takes a special kind of asshole to take this tragedy and use it as an excuse to take political potshots.

I know what the others are, but what are Truthers and Birthers?

I assumed he was *tu quoquing *Diogenes:

Some places are supposed to be places of sanctuary. Less than a year ago, a man opened fire in a Unitarian Church. A few weeks ago a man murdered another man in a church over abortion. A museum that is as much a memorial to monumental loss as it is a place of education is another such sanctuary.

Even the devil respects sanctuary.

“Truthers” are 9/11 Truthers, people who are convinced that 9/11 was a US government conspiracy.

“Birthers” are the crazy people for whom a certificate of live birth, certified by the governor of Hawaii, is not enough to convince that Barack Obama is a natural-born US citizen and therefore eligible to hold the office of POTUS. People who are convinced of his Muslim identity and secret intent to unlock the gates late some night to let the jihadists in are also included (by me, at least).

I’m simply comparing this shooting to the recent killing of an abortion doctor. I seem to recall Keith “Ratings Basement Dweller” Olbermann going on a tirade about Bill O’Reilly spreading the kind of hate that would lead to the killing of abortion doctors. But I guess that kind of thinking only goes one way, huh? :rolleyes:

Wow. No subject that can’t be turned into a cheap shot against the ‘libs’ with you, is there?