Let’s say you have an brilliant friend, Shawna, totally unaffiliated with Rhymer Enterprises, who, using entirely unmagical technologies, has perfected a method of recording the consciousness and memories of a human person. The recording, until activated is as quiescent as any other computer program is when not running; it will be activated upon the person’s death, whereupon it will exist in a simulation it find indistinguishable from the real world until some other hoser devises an android body capable of carting it around, whereupon, if the digital version desires, it will be uploaded into that.
You’ve known Shawna for years-- you saved each other’s lives during the wars–and you know that she is as empty of shit as is possible for a human to be. If she says she can do shit like this, it’s true, and you have utter confidence in her probity and good intentions. Shawna explains the process to you in detail and tells you that it is painless and safe. She’s used it herself–or, rather, uses it herself, as she updates the recording on a regular basis, and the only bad part is that it requires her to be hooked up to the recording gizmo for five minutes every month. She even activates her own recording briefly and hooks you into the virtual world, so you can see how convincing it is and interact with Virtual!Shawna.
The process is insanely expensive. Fortunately you saved Shawna’s life six times while she only saved yours thrice, so she’s willing to underwrite not only your initial recording but the monthly updates. The initial recording will take a while–about five minutes for every month of your life to date.
Do you take Shawna up on her offer? Why or why not?