Mine is Seth Rudetsky, the bitchy queen who hosts the Sirius Satellite Broadway channel. I listen to the channel constantly because there’s simply nothing like it on regular radio, but his voice and his mannerisms and his shameless namedropping and baseless egomania and most particularly the way he says “ah-maah-zing” as if it’s cute just drive me nuts, as does the fact he has never once played one of my own requests or those of anybody else I know who listens to his show. Terrible terrible DJ- I listen to SIRIUS 77 to hear SHOWTUNES, not a nellie flake who makes me wonder “Is it still a hate-crime if I deck a gay guy?”
Who are your least favorite DJs or on-air personalities?
There are quite a few on Sirius that I dislike as well. DJ Seth does the same bitch queen thing on The Beat. Also, every morning crew and shock jock would fall into my most hated. However, I can avoid them during their shows. The same thing could be said for right wing talk hosts.
I don’t have satellite radio, so mine are two local morning show guys, Drew & Mike on one of the local rock stations. They act like a couple of frat boys: sexist, immature, arrogant, and just plain annoying. What makes it downright pathetic is that these guys have been around for years, and they’ve got to be in their 40’s by now.
Interesting aside for Dertroit-area Dopers: Not long ago, I met a guy who works at the recording studio which several local stations broadcast from. He knows most the local morning-show people. He said that Drew is actually a really nice guy, and is very intelligent. His on-air persona is a total act. Mike, OTOH, is absolutely not acting, and is every bit the dim-witted asshole he comes across as.
Mancow. Typical frat-radio idiot, except he’s worse than most. I really hate DJs who cloak their scatology and genitalia obsessions as some kind of 1st Amendment issue, as though freedom of speech is wasted unless you’re being as disgusting as you possibly can, all the time.
Chicago Dopers might be interested to hear that the Loop is bringing back Jonathon Brandmeier. :eek:
Eric and Kathy in the morning here in Chicago. I would rather listen to a pledge drive. I would rather have root canal sans anesthesia. I do not listen to them by choice–my husband and my daughter do. :rolleyes:
And Jerome MacDonald on WBEZ in the afternoon–he has this hesitant, whiney voice and he basically pre-empts the interviewee with each question. Example (made up): “Now, you were in Africa doing AIDS research and found that many children in Africa are now orphans due to their parents both having died from AIDS. So, where did you do your research? And what did you find?”
And the guy can only say, “uh, Africa and we found that many kids are now orphans because their parents are both dead from AIDS”. Jerome LOVES the sound of his voice–too bad for his interviewees…
A local sports radio personality, Bob Matthews. He’s an opinionated, egotistical, sexist idiot. The last time I actually listened to anything he had to say was when he was explaining why the WBA would fail: No one wants to try to watch sports featuring women, 'cause they’ll get knocked up and ruin the season. I seriously had to check to see if I was getting some kinda time-warped radio from the 60’s.
I rarely listen to the radio since I moved to the PNW. We only have one NPR channel that I know of, and I can’t receive it at my house. I’ll listen to it when I drive, only it’s basically a jazz channel instead of what I’m used to. (I miss KCRW and KPCC.) Since I’m on dial-up, I can’t listen on my computer. Of course, KROQ is right out.
When I was in L.A. I’d listen to one of the NPR stations or KROQ most of the time. I never listened to the blow-hards on talk radio if I could help it. (Sometimes they’re the only ones on when you’re driving through the Central Valley.) Certainly they would make my blood boil.
But I’d have to say that the guy I disliked most, in the context of my daily listening, was Rick Dees on KIIS. Not that I listened to him, but I’ve heard him. When he speaks it sounds as if he’s trying to be hip. He comes off as being smarmy.
Kevin & Bean at KROQ make fun of themselves. They come up with really stupid ideas that, while really stupid, make people laugh – mostly because they readily admit that they’re stupid ideas and they do them anyway. Or they’ll come up with some really good ideas, like an awesome concert or something. Rick Dees seems to wait to see how successful their ideas are, and then announces similar (or exactly the same) ideas on KIIS as if they were his own.
Okay, broadcasters play to their audiences. Happens all the time. But Dees seems pull them off poorly. If you’re going to ape someone, at least do it well!
Oh, and ‘Merry KIIS-mas’ just makes me want to throw right up.
I agree with you. I can’t listen to him at all, and I listen to Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity every day. Savage is just jaw-droppingly terrible, and I’m sorry he has an audience.
Adam Carolla leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He’s not on radio, but he’s about that level.
John Savage of course.
But I have to give the prize to Howard Stern - spending day after day, year after year, degrading miserable losers who can’t defend themselves, makes him the most noxious turd the cesspool, IMHO.
Johnny Wendell. He’s a weekend host for Los Angeles’ one-and-only liberal talk radio station, and occassionaly subs for Randi Rhodes of Air America when she’s out for whatever reason. Quite simply, Wendell’s personna is “guy who’s pissed off at Republicans,” with extra emphasis on the pissed. His favorite mannerism is to start speaking against the outrage of the day in a calm and measured tone, then gradually build UP to a SPITTLE-SPRAYING TIRADE AGAINST THE EVIL REPUBLIKHANS WHO ARE DESTROYING THE NATION with their RAMPANT GREED AND EVIL!!!
As much as I might sympathise with his POV, his way-over-the-top delivery just drives me nuts. I’m tempted to think that he’s secretly a right-wing talk-radio host doing a bad parody of a left-wing talk-radio host, but I doubt it…
There used to be a woman on the local oldies station (which has recently changed formats) who did the 5:00 drive show. Her voice would tempt me to drive into a telephone pole. I had a friend who was in radio and he described he style as “puking her voice out”. She was way too excited about playing “Unchained Melody” for the 5000th time. A little enthusiasm is fine, but she had enough for 100,000 DJs.
The obtuse, senile, hopelessly-in-a-rut Danny Stiles of “Big Band Sounds,” a NY public radio program that consists mostly of crooners with sappy string sections, interminable hellos to old people in benighted North Jersey towns, and endless, pointless reminiscences about the glory days of Newark, occasionally interrupted by one of the eight big band tunes Danny seems to have in his record library.
Speaking of him and of SIRIUS, Michelangelo Signorile gives me that vibe as well. I hate Bush too, but good Lord not everything the man does is really for the purpose of unleashing the anti-Christ.