Who are your least favourite Simpson character?

There are a lot of threads around the internet about favourite Simpson characters. It always spurs me to think about characters i dont like. The Simpsons are probably my favourite TV series, except the last 25 seasons or so, but there are characters that i just dont “get”. I dont find them funny or even all out annoying. Which are yours?

Heres my useless character list:

-Raplh Wiggum
-Otto (lazy made character)
-Whoever Lisa breaks his heart ("i cho chose you)
-Snowball the cat
-The twins (rarely funny)
-Mona Simpson, Homers mum (her episodes always bore me)
-Maude Flanders
-Bumblebee man (he is referencing to something i dont know anything about here in norway)
-Squeaky-Voiced Teen with acne
-The Yes Guy

Well that seems to be it. Any disagreements, or characters to add?

Disco Stu

Season 18, Episode 17

16 minutes, 7 seconds in, the crowd scene. 4th guy from the left, on the street. TOTALLY USELESS!!

I came in to post the same thing. Man that guy was a dud.

The Texas guy. Pretty cringe.

The Yes Guy is an annoying parody of one gag (from the Jack Benny show, originally, I think) of a well-respected radio and TV actor who did many different kinds of bits.

See here:

Nelson is the train conductor.

Old thread:

ETA: both threads from the same OP!

Same guy.

My votes would be for one-note characters. Disco Stu, Bumblebee Man, Hans Moleman.

But the most hated character for me is Fred Grimes, or Grimey, as he was know to his friends. Mostly because he was made to make fun of people like me, that took continuity too seriously. Haha. Very funny. It is to laugh.

Yeah, Grrr, i forgot Disco Stu. Hes so completely easy and unfunny.

Parody of a character from a Mexican comedy show.

Moleman! Somebody over here mentioned him. He is really really boring and uninteresting. He should have been in the threadstart together with Disco Stu

Disco Stu
Crazy Cat Lady
Artie Ziff
Yes Guy

I always found Lisa to be tedious.

I enjoy her, especially her poem about snowball. Shes not funny as such, but shes a side character that drives a lot of the narrative of a lot of the episodes.

Do you mean Sherri and Terri, or Patty and Selma?

Hey, he did give us Man Getting Hit by Football. That’s gotta count for something.

Or Rod and Todd?

Not twins.

Springfield’s answer to the question nobody asked!

Sherri and Terri, Patty and Selma are brilliant