Who do the Democrats run in 2020?

I’m all for Superhero Cory Booker cause he’s 18 kinds of awesome, but I also think there would be some nice symmetry in having a woman at the top of the ticket since 2020 will be a full century after the 19th amendment and time would be very, very ripe to break that barrier.

I was about to say, when ***is ***the country going to have its first woman president?

That being said, it’s entirely possible that Trump won’t run for reelection in 2020, and the Republicans may try to beat the Democrats to the punch by nominating a woman of their own.

Warren, with Obama as VP. Or vice-versa.

I assume you mean Michelle, because Barack is Constitutionally prohibited from running for a third term.


It seems to me that Americans don’t like political dynasties.

How about Al Franken?

I’ll list of some mostly political outsiders, some more serious than others, since that no longer is a disqualification. I’m listing multiple people because one of the biggest things we (Democrats) want to avoid is a coronation, and I think a primary field with something like 6 to 10 candidates would probably be best.

Bill Gates
Michael Bloomberg (I realize he’s not a Democrat)
Stephen King (the author)
Mark Zuckerberg
Jimmy Buffett (why not?)
Anderson Cooper

Some of these suggestions are silly, but Bill Gates in particular seems like he would be a good candidate.

I think the demographics have also changed enough that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will now be toss up / lean red states in the next few elections. I think they’re gone for now. Instead the focus should change to flipping and keeping North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida to the blue column to make up for the loss of the upper Midwest.

As awesome as he is, there are rather good reasons Why Not …

They were razor-thin close, though – slightly better turnout for Democratic-leaning groups could have won it for them. They should look at both.

Americans love political dinastyes: The Tafts, The Bushes, The Clintosn, The Kennedys…

Note that Trump’s age might mean he won’t run for reelection. Will Pence run or no?

Nate Silver pointed out that if Clinton had managed to convince just 1 in 100 trump voters in those states to vote for her instead, she’d have won all of those states (and the election). You think 1 in 100 is “gone for now”?

Gavin Newsom. He’ll be the next California governor in 2018; 2 years on the job and he should be ready to announce for POTUS.

I wont vote for Newsom. Dirty.

Amazon already has Michelle Obama 2020 t-shirts. It’ll never happen, but then again I thought the same think about Trump.

I think the GOP has the lead on that one, as Nikki Haley and Susana Martinez are both considered possibles.

The most impressive Democratic woman I would think at this point is Maggie Hassan.

The Booker speculation is natural, but the man really has to stop being essentially “present” and take on a leadership role in the party.

Plus Trump, like Obama before him, brought voters to the polls that otherwise wouldn’t be there. Much as the next Democrat couldn’t rely on the Obama coalition, the next Republican can’t count on the Trump coalition, at least not in the same numbers.

I had been saying Booker, or Gillibrand, for a while. But now I think Democrats need to go outside the mainstream/establishment. So for now I’d say give Bernie a try. Doesn’t matter if he’s old, assuming his health is good. If not Bernie, than maybe Biden, or Warren.

If Bernie or Biden, they must pick a woman VP.

But who the hell knows. My confidence in my own political instincts is shot to hell.

I think you have to be careful about giving bonus points to a candidate for their racial or gender identity. Kristen Gillibrand has a very thin resume. Gillibrand also has a big weakness which can be exploited: her chameleon-like political persona. She was a member of the Blue Dogs in the House, has been a staunch progressive in the Senate.

There are some good Democratic prospects in the Senate though who are women:

Tammy Duckworth
Both New Hampshire Senators, who are also both former New Hampshire governors
Maria Cantwell
Claire McCaskill

Duckworth in particular is an up and comer. Although I’m unclear on the “natural born citizen” rules. She was born in Thailand but had an American father. Is she eligible?