Who do you have a crush on right...NOW?

Everything on legs?

Natalie Portman, from what I gather, does have a good (and very pretty) head on her shoulders. I watched an interview she had with Charlie Rose and she came across being smart and the kind of pretty gal that would just sit around and think and be open minded about things. That is close to crush material.

I know I’ve been crushed on. Except I need to know when it happens more.

ears perk up


Well, you know…

I’m sorry I missed that. Not that i really need more of a reason to be in love with her, just that I don’t know a lot about that side of her.

I am currently crushing on two females.

The first one is a biochem major that is going to medical school in the fall. Beautiful eyes and an intoxicating smile, she is a very smart girl who enjoys a good time. Another bonus is that she used to run track and she still enjoys running as a daily activity. She is also good friends best friend so that is rather convenient.

The second girl is an extremely well read belly dancer. I also like the fact that she is able to appreciate so many diverse styles of music.

Apolo Anton Ohno. OMG. Especially after the picture in Cosmo.

Argh I have a huge crush on this delivery guy at work but he’s married. It’s embarassing how crazy he makes me. We have a million things to say to each other and we always talk really fast to try to say it all. I seriously feel like I’m on drugs whenever he’s around. I only see him about once every 6 weeks, thank God. We used to talk for at least an hour every time we saw each other and lose track of time talking about books and the stupidest things and we’d get so excited and speedy. It wasn’t just me, it was him too. Then I saw him in his t-shirt last summer and I honestly nearly lay down on the floor and masturbated he looked so hot. He has tattoos and muscles all over his body. What kills me though is that I felt that way about him the first time I even met him and it was winter and he was wearing an ugly touque and a big coat but I got the crush from talking to him. It’s like pure chemicals. Every time I see him I have this urge to say, “are you still married?” It’s so embarassing and inappropriate how much I grin when he’s around and so at this point when I see him I purposely don’t smile or let myself get too into the conversation and I get back to work even though I don’t want to at all. Just talking to him, seriously, makes me feel like I must be doing something wrong because it feels so good. I hate that! Sometimes that just happens. I have a very low tolerance for the chemistry chemicals. I feel like Pepe la Pew following that girl skunk around when I’m like that. Hopefully soon it will happen with someone single and then I won’t mind the indignity so much.


Me too.

Jenna Fischer and Alyson Hannigan, kinda sorta. And someone else, for what it’s worth, which means nothing at all.

Think I’m gonna go drink now.

Aw, come on. You know you want to tell someone. We won’t tell anybody.

I’m not going to jinx things by giving away any details, but I’m crushing and I’m optimistic. Just wanted to say something. :cool:


Karen from will and grace…I don’t know if I have a crush on her just cause she’s attractive, but her voice…
at first I found her voice extremely annoying but after watching the shows at work a few nights it started to grow on me…the best part is that it’s not even her real voice…but I’d want to make her talk in it (in my imaginary world where I could be around her)…

I don’t have a crush on anyone I know personally. The current actress I’m “in love with” is Alexis Bledel. Those eyes

I have a crush on the girl that keeps sitting right in front of me in my psychology class. She has the most amazing body, and apparently has no problem showing it either. BTW I’m a big fan of the thong + low rise jeans thing. Mmmmm, booty.

I have a crush on a certain Doper. He makes my heart go pitter-patter.

Ahh, interesting. I’m with you on Chico (he’s cute, he seems like a nice guy, and he can wire up my house) and also feel a tug about Evan Farmer. I know he seems like a frat boy which isn’t my usual type but something about him…

In my dreams: Giada from the Food Network.

In real life: The tiny Indian girl that rides the elevator with me a few times a week. All I can think about is burying my face in the nape of her neck, and she’s never looked at me once. NOT. ONCE. IN. MONTHS. It’s an outrage. Gah.

God, I can finally get this off my chest. (If you know me IRL, please don’t tell anybody about this…)

So I’m dating this guy back home, but I think I may end things because I don’t think it’s going to work out (this is something I have to work out with him when I go home for a visit next month), and I’m leaving for Peace Corps early next year. So I’m officially “in a relationship”, but my heart’s not really in it, y’know?

There’s this guy I go to school with who’s working on his PhD. I see him quite a lot - I have a class with him, he TA’s one of my classes, and we’re in a journal club together. I barely know him, but from what I’ve seen of him, I want to marry him some day. He’s a friendly, polite Midwestern boy who’s pretty damn good-looking, and is smart as hell but not big-headed about it or socially inept like most geeky boys I know. Did I mention he was a great dancer, and well-traveled, too? Jesus, this dude has everything I’ve been looking for.

I invited him out for dinner a few weeks ago, ostensibly to talk about a capstone project but really to get to know him better, and we had an absolutely delightful time together and were really hitting it off. Ever since then, though, he’s blown off my invitations, and I can’t quite figure out why. Did he take a closer look at my MySpace page (that says I’m in a relationship) and not want to interfere? Have I said something to annoy him? Is he just busy with end-of-the-semester craziness? Is he just plain not interested in me and only went out to dinner with me to be polite?

I don’t know what to do… apparently we’re going out dancing this weekend (I made a deal with him - salsa lessons for knitting lessons), and I feel like I should say something to him, but I have no idea what to say or how strong I should come on. I think he’s going to be TAing one of my classes next semester, too, so I can’t have too much awkwardness going on. Aaaargh… somebody tell me what’s going on in his head and what I should do!

I have this on-again, off-again crush on a systems analyst at work. It’s certainly on-again everytime I see him, which is too rarely.

The two gents that I do get to see a lot of, who totally make me weak in the knees are:
-the academic advisor who works in the office next door. He has a Scottish accent. A girl loves an accent, you know!
-the kind of rocker-type guy I see on the bus EVERY morning. I love his look and damn he has a fine ass! I was lucky enough to find a seat this morning and was even luckier when he had to stand for most of the ride across the aisle from me. The ass and the legs and that dirty thoughts running through my mind…
Uhhhh…I should probably go now.