Stupid 50X error crashed the thread so I couldn’t add the poll so I’ll be redoing it. Mods please close
Trump beats Biden and Bloomberg because Biden and Bloomberg don’t have any energy behind them. I’d love to meet just one super-enthusiastic Joe Biden supporter but I really don’t know if any exist. And Bloomberg? Another billionaire? If he gets the nomination the Democrats might as well do away with Primaries altogether and just hold an auction every four years.
Nope. Trump would crush both of them.
Bernie, on the other hand, has a real movement behind him. He has a lot of genuinely passionate and boundlessly enthusiastic supporters. Plus, unlike Biden and Bloomberg, he has a distinct platform that sets him apart. Everyone knows what Bernie stands for. That’s half the battle right there. Bernie has a real shot. I cant say I’m 100% confident he’ll beat Trump but I’m a hell of a lot more confident in him than I am in the other two.
Warren isn’t even worth mentioning at this point.
I (and everyone I know) is super enthusiastic about the chance to get rid of Trump. That will motivate a great many.
I’ve also heard many say they would vote for anyone over Trump, except Bernie and Warren. I can’t be sure how honest they’re being, but that seems to be a common refrain in the industrial Midwest.
Still voting tomorrow but my candidate has dropped out. My first choice-Inslee was gone before anybody could ask Who? Now it is just stop the evil madness and corruption.
They say in the stock market every sale has a buyer and both sides think they are smart. Maybe elections are the same way.
Sanders if the democrats allow him.
Trump if anyone else.
But it all depends on if the democrats can get their allies in the MSM and Hollywood to get behind Biden or whomever else.
Right now, my money is on Biden. He’s long been called “Pennsylvania’s third Senator.” If he can get it to flip from 2016, I think he’s the favorite.
I predict that exact opposite. Trump would beat Sanders and lose to Biden or Bloomberg.
Energy is overrated. You can’t vote more than once regardless of whether you sort of like a candidate or love them so much you would lay down your life for them.
And passion is a two-way street. For every person who loves Sanders, there’s three other people who hate him. Biden and Bloomberg don’t inspire that kind of emotion. Nobody is going to go out of their way to vote against either of them. Some people will vote for them because they’re the Democratic nominee and some people will vote for them because they hate Trump and want to vote against him.
Tramp is demonstrably scared shitless of Biden. I think Old Joe will take it unless all polling places are quarantined.
My prediction: We’ll see a Biden/Warren ticket. This will
Leak before the DNC does a nomination. Warren in the WH will give the Dems a boost to win.
But how will Biden squirm away from the Ukraine BS? Hopefully he’ll point out all the family favors that the Trump family is getting.
That should put a D in the white house.
I think Sanders would beat Trump. Not as certain about Biden. Sanders supporters are passionate. Biden supporters may not go to the polls unless it’s a sunny day and they don’t have to drive too far.
It’s complicated.
Bernie’s got a lot of progressive energy, which Biden’s campaign doesn’t really have. At the same time, Bernie’s ideas are going to scare the shit out of a lot of voters who aren’t democrats, and not all of those voters are necessarily republicans.
I think Trump wins, unless he fucks up so badly within the next 9 months that the entire country wishes he had been successfully removed from office. To that end, if Trump’s poll numbers dip, Biden is probably better positioned to capitalize on that, but again, Trump will follow the same script he used with Hillary: he will try to poison pill his campaign.
Trump’s approval rating seems to have around a 44% cap. In recent times, no one that low has ever won an election. But these times aren’t like recent times…
I have to believe that any Democrat should win, except maybe Sanders. Too many voters grew up with the lesson that “socialism is evil”. But nothing surprises me any more. If Trump wins again, it might as well be West/Kardashian in 2024.
If Biden is the nominee, I think he’ll win. It’ll be close, but I think he’ll flip enough states, with perhaps 1-2 to spare.
If Sanders is the nominee, I think he gets slaughtered. Trump wins handily.
Short Answer is that I have no idea.
Long answer:
Bernie is showing well against Trump in national polls, but those are pretty useless at determining an election, but he does hold up well against him in the important states I’ve seen (Florida). I’m a little concerned about how easy it is to meme Bernie to death on social media (read: socialism). Are those effective on the undecided? Subconsciously, I suspect they are, but have no data.
Biden also shows well against Trump in a few of the important states, but I’m a little concerned on what happens to the Democratic Party if Sanders doesn’t win. Now that the field has finally thinned, things are interesting. Personally I believe that you bring out more voters when voting for someone (Sanders) than against them (for Biden-against Trump) but that’s what happens if you nominate Biden. You may bring out more Sanders voters if Warren is VP, but I have no knowledge on that. I also have my worries about Biden on a debate stage with Trump.
Bloomberg has no shot.
If I were forced to gamble, Biden if he picks a progressive running mate.
I feel the opposite. Biden supporters are more likely to be regular voters, who show up in election after election without needing to work themselves up over it. It’s Sanders voters who need to feel the passion flowing in order to get out and vote.
I think Bernie Sanders might just lose to Trump. Warren, too, sadly.
I think Biden would win.
Right. It doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate. Trump will win because:
[li]He has a hugely funded propaganda machine–better than in 2016, after four years to refine itself.[/li][li]There is a sizable, key sector of the voters that are permanently duped/brain-dead[/li][li]Trump and his butt-lickers are shameless, and will stoop lower than anything to win.[/li][li]Russia will be doing one thing or another[/li][/ul]Even though more voters want to kick Trump’s ass out, the system is corrupted now. Voting doesn’t work anymore–as least not for president.
I think Biden can beat Trump but it will be close
If I had to wager right now, I’d say Trump since he’s got the incumbency advantage and this year’s election could very well end up giving the exact same result as last time (i.e. Trump losing the popular vote yet winning the electoral college). Nothing about Trump’s presidency, not even his impeachment, seems to have changed anything about Americans’ opinion of him: most dislike him, often very strongly, but there are enough people who’d consider voting for him to put him over the top. However, I think it’s going to be a close election.
My gut feeling is that Sanders is the Democratic candidate with the best chance of unseating Trump. I know he’s widely believed to be unelectable, but 2016 shattered my ideas about who was electable and who wasn’t, and Sanders seems to have the same populist streak that Trump managed to tap into. Trump didn’t win because half of Americans are deplorables, he won because the white working class feels very anxious about the future and with good reason, and neither the Republican establishment (before Trump) nor the Democratic establishment had an answer for them. I even feel that Sanders has a bit of politically incorrect cred (like Bloomberg), what with his supporters being tarred with the moniker of “Bernie Bros” by the Democratic establishment, as if they were rapey frat boys.
This said, I’m not American and I don’t even follow American news, other than FiveThirtyEight whose coverage of the Democratic primaries I’ve started following religiously. So for those of you who think Sanders’s “socialism” is a non-starter in American media, you may very well be right. But at this point nobody really knows who is electable and who isn’t; FiveThirtyEight even had an article about it. As soon as the Democrats win or lose the 2020 election, it’ll instantly become obvious that they were destined to win/lose with their choice of candidate, but until that time there’s just no way to know.
If Bloomberg is the Dem candidate, I’ll vote for Cthulhu, because why pick the lesser evil?
If Bernie wins the Dem nod, Tramp’s rants and built-in electoral advantage will prevail.
If Biden is it, Tramp will declare martial law because virus. Election? Sorry, the nation’s under quarantine, Blue states, anyway. And liberal enclaves. Biden scares Tramp shitless so expect further abuses of presidential power aimed at destroying Joe and suppressing votes.