Who else is out of power?

Ours keeps flickering on and off.

I am in northern DTW suburbs.

Ours is completely out. No lights. No phone. No computer. Having to watch TV by candlelight. The hamsters that power this message are running at 100 mph and smoking!

The outage includes NY, Cleveland, Detroit and on up into Canada

Naturally, being the weenie that I am, I just realized that if you have no power you can’t read this.

Well, at least you gave this Doper a chuckle! Reminds me of those (probably apocryphal) print ads: Illiterate? Call us for help.

Shirley, I just assumed you wanted a real wild playtime going to kill the boredom of waiting to find out how serious stuff really is. I didn’t even consider you might be serious.

Not to make light of things that could be quite serious. Just “following suit” if you will.

the power out is massive, the niagara mohawk grid is down. i hope all our dopers in ny, west pa, south canada, ohio, mich, vermont, nh, ct, etc are staying calm and cool.

according to mayor bloomberg they are trying to reroute power from the west and south. it will take hours for it to recover. they are still getting people out of buildings and subways.

speculation is that there was an overload that caused a waterfall effect. i saw on cnn that they are looking into many possible causes including the computer worm/virus.

Stupid question, Zeldar…how are you posting with no computer?


Never mind, Zeldar.

My Whoosh-o-Meter lost power in the black out.

I’m posting through the power of my mind.

And if power is out, how can you watch TV by candle light?

My mom, who lives just south of Albany, New York, reports that the entire Capital District is out of power- EXCEPT for Latham (just east of Albany across the Hudson River), which is fine, and the town of Canaan, on the Massachusetts border. She’s driving to Latham to get gas in her car right now. Had to call her and find out what was going on. Luckily, the power outage didn’t hit around there until 4:30, and the a/c had been on all day, and the sun was going down, so things haven’t really heated up inside yet.

What, none of you people got laptops?

Actually, I thought you had one of these old-fashioned coal-powered computer :smiley:

Thank og my parents invested in a generator a few years back. Of course, if it doesn’t come back tonight(and despite predictions, I doubt it will), I’m not sure where I’m going to sleep since my room has been turned into a home office.

The things we have to do to get december offline . . .

My parents live in Rockland County NY (just north of the city) and their power is back on. But they are leaving the AC off for the time being, and they have candles at the ready just in case.

I’m in southeren Ontario and my power just came on after nearly 4 hrs of blackout. I have to say it was very unnerving as I was at work. By chance, a co-workers father who is a policeman was in and he used our emergency phone to call his station and when he came back and told us nearly the whole province was out, I swear to god I’ve never been so scared in my whole entire life. I was thinking terrorists as I’m sure many other over-reacters were. I live 30 min from a power plant and I had all these horrific visions of someone holding it hostage.

I was much luckier than people stuck in subways, elevators and amusement park rides(!).