who else is watching April the pregnant giraffe

I looked to see if there was a thread about this already and am not finding one.

live feed

April is in a zoo* in New Jersey and 15 months into this project, the zoo has been posting updates morning and evening.

from this morning

like many, I have been watching her for weeks now and thinking, that poor thing she looks SO uncomforable. especially when she lies down, it’s more of barely controlled crash. :eek:

*for-profit zoo, btw, which surprises and maybe troubles me

New York.

sorry, I don’t know why I was thinking it was NJ

Animal Adventure Park
85 Martin Hill Road
Harpursville, NY 13787

one of the updates yesterday said she had “no interest” in food but I just saw her snacking on carrots, as well as whatever treats Tim the Vet was giving her:p

I’m watching.

Really thought she was going to have that baby last night, but nope!

No giraffe and a half this morning.

I think she’s faking…get her on Maury!

Geoffrey is …

NOT the father!

I check on her a couple times a day, but I’m sure I’ll still miss the big event! :smiley:

It seems very bright in that stall. Are the zookeepers keeping it artificially illuminated until she drops her calf?

there is a light on all night long, I know. I hope it isn’t too bright for her.

I am not watching but Google really, really wants me to.

The story turned up a few days ago on my Google News page. Under Technology.

When I didn’t bite it started showing up under Health.

I should try personalizing the page to include a section called Not News and see how often it appears there.

Didn’t I read a news story not so long ago that another, much older giraffe had a baby, one they weren’t watching because they didn’t know she was pregnant? Or did I dream that story?

I’m watching, along with Gaia (Critter Room), Evolene and Corsica (Tiny Kittens), Kitten Academy, Scottish Tots, Decorah Eagles (North nest). I think Evolene will be next to have babies.

“Tiny Kittens”? I’m going to try NOT to find that one; I’d never get my socks washed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I watched the Decorah Eagles a couple years ago - really fascinating.

no giraffe birth yet, waiting on an update from the zoo.

that does sound familiar. two weeks ago now I thought, I HAVE to see a giraffe birth so I watched the giraffe in Denver have her baby - the best part (easily) is when the calf stands up for the first time.

I started watching yesterday. Giraffes are my favorite non-human animal so it’s been fun.

labor or not, there is something awesome about watching her - Oliver, too, but mostly April.

the weird grace with the awkward legs, the close-ups of her fuzzy face with that mobile upper lip!


I’m pretty ignorant about giraffe reproduction. April is a mammal, will she have “waters” break the way a human female does. If there was, that might be another sign birth was upon her.

The only think I really know about giraffes is what our local zoo says, they have the highest blood pressure of any mammal. They need it to push the blood up that long neck.

If she has that calf by midnight and it’s a girl, they could name it…

April the Second

Someone get me some pitocin and a really, really tall IV pole…

And if she has triplets, we could call them Pieces of April.