Who is in a Career pertinent to what they went to college for? Poll.

I hear this all the time, either from 30 year old wait-staff or 45 year old ex-psychology-majors selling cars.

I’d like to know of the dopers that went to college, and from some who are in college now. Who is working in a field doing something they went to college for? And who thinks they will work in the field they are majoring in now – for those currently in college?

I am a teacher at a small college. I took my undergrad in Psychology and MS in Environmental psych.

And yes I waited tables for 2 years after I got my Masters. The job market on the east coast is horrendous!

MA (Hons) Politics. Working as a senior IT consultant (risk management and revenue assurance) for an audit firm.

BS in Management Information Systems.

Working as a Senior Software Engineer.

Me, I have a degree in Geography with a concentration in Cartography. I currently make Aeronautical charts for the FAA. I think that’s close enough. It did however take me two extra years out of college to find a job in my field.

Tech school - ASET - Director of Engineering for two broadcast television stations here in sunny Portland, OR

MSA in social work (duh! what else would one get an MSW in?).

I did work in social work at one point, but since 1998 I’ve been a FileMaker Pro database architect.

How’d that turn into MSA?


BA in natural sciences, working as a physician.

Still in graduate school doing a natural resources-related degree. I don’t have delusions of landing something degree-related right away, but I do fully expect to realize my career goal of working as an environmental consultant someday.

BA in Television/Radio production.

Doing computer programming/database development work.

Zev Steinhardt

B.A. in English, working as an English teacher.

BS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering - working as an aerospace structural engineer. I’ve also worked as a mechanical engineer designing tooling and fixtures for overhauling and repairing aircraft and engines. So it’s worked out about right.

… and I completely missed the point of the poll. Sorry about that.

You’d think after 2898 posts, I’d actually learn to read the OP, but noooooooooooooooo…

Zev Steinhardt

BA in radio/television broadcasting.

I work at a cable network. I’ve been able to work in television most of my career.

Bachelor’s in International Studies, specifically int’l politics.

Now working for the US Department of State, going out to Sri Lanka March of '03. I’m going to be the most junior (and youngest) political officer.

I’m sort of in my field of study…

BA and partial masters in Anthropology

Working as a retail buyer at a natural science museum, so while I’m not Indiana Jonesina, I do use my education in my work.

I have a BA in English and regularly speak English at business meetings.

BS in Political Science, working as a media technician.

Then again, I started earning a living as a media tech while still in college.

Well, I sort of cheated. I got into journalism first and picked up my degrees (BA and MS) in that in dribs and dabbles afterwards. So yeah, I am.

BA in English. I’ve worked as a journalist, then in development/communications, and now as the managing editor of an intranet site. It’s not what I thought I’d be doing, but I suppose I’m using the degree.