Who is the most handsome actor in TV or Movie history?

I’m a straight male, but I am still curious what the ladies and other guys think on this topic.

I often have a very hard time determining what makes one guy particularly attractive over another, especially to women. Mel Gibson just looks like a regular dude to me, even when he was younger. Anyway, I’m curious what you think. You can discount all bias against them for any personal problems or weird views if you like(Tom Cruise…Mel Gibson) Just purely on looks. Who is the most handsome man to appear on screen?

I kind of assumed/guessed Christopher Reeve was a good answer. As a kid, he was Superman to me, but even looking back, that guy is…striking. Very few people are born looking as striking as him. It is memorable.

I think it might be the eyes.

Montgomery Clift

Marlon Brando

Gary Cooper

John Derek

That’s easy.

  1. Paul Newman
  2. Cary Grant
  3. Daniel Craig

Randolph Scott

It’s hard to front on a young Brando.

Paul Newman.
Daniel Craig.

That’s all I’ve got. Mickey Rourke was gorgeous before he went the plastic surgery route. Tom Berenger too. Come to think of it, stars who didn’t screw with their appearance as they aged remain gorgeous. Stars who did, didn’t. As a gereral rule.

Whippersnappers the lot of them!

Rudolph Valentino

You are 100% correct about plastic surgery. So strange people still use it.

This straight chick’s first thought was Cary Grant. He’s pretty much the straightforward tall dark & handsome.

I don’t find Daniel Craig attractive at all.

Paul Newman

Hell, Robert Redford is better looking than Paul Newman.

I share my mom’s admiration for Tyrone Power.

Yeah on Cary Grant, too.

Most handsome? Sendhil Ramamurthy.

Marcello Mastroianni.

And, obvious but I’ll say it anyway: Johnny Depp. I mean, holy shit.

what’s his name, you know the guy with the face.

it’s a hard question. some were pretty and some were handsome.

Kirk Douglas had a full featured face of some handsome quality.

I always thought Eric Stoltz was pretty handsome.

Daniel Craig just looks creepy to me.

I’m going with Monty Cliff before the accident. That’s actually a benchmark phrase I use to establish my scale of attractive men, (For example, “I suppose that guy’s handsome enough, but he’s no Monty Cliff before the accident.”)

I remember seeing an episode of an old television series circa 1960, young Richard Chamberlain in jeans and a white T-shirt, breathtakingly gorgeous. Like many stars, men and women, it’s a pity that he tried to keep it up with bad plastic surgery and got weird looking.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.



My mother had a thing for Robert Taylor

It’s a hard question, though, because some people like pretty-boy handsome (I’d put young Redford and Reeve in that category) and some people like rugged handsome (Kirk Douglas.) Not that I’m a good judge of stuff like this.

But the first two names that came to me were Burt Lancaster and Charleton Heston. Oddly enough, when you look at stills of them, they don’t look that good. But put them on screen and they positively smoke.

Colin Farrell

Hugh Jackman

Cary Grant