Hey, seriously. I’m whacked. Right fucking insane. Especially after that GQ thread (which should have been in ATMB) that got knocked into The Pit and spawned an all-too-brief GD/MPSIMS side thread while the Pit thread swerved all over the place including a CS-style hijack on “Which is the better Rush album?” plus I just fired a Q. off to Cecil which I hope he or the staff will pick up…well, those Agents following the drama will know what I’m talking about!
Let’s put it this way. If you asked me if that “Brick” I threw in that Pit thread really did cause Ryan Newman’s #12 car to explode in flames in yesterday’s NASCAR race (he’s ok), I would say yes, yes I believe I did it, even though I cannot prove a causal link, and my “prediction” was 5 months early, in the wrong city, and hit car #12 instead of lap #12. HEY! You think predicting the future is hard, CHANGING it is a total bitch!! If only I threw it a little bit more to the left…
But I don’t want to sound overly narcissistic (hey, I chose the name King God Space as a mark of humility) so I’m making this a poll. Who do you think is the most insane Doper, since the beginning of the SDMB? Self-nominations are welcome, of course.
Wasn’t that kind of the crux of Catch 22? If you tell us that you are insane, that means you recognize reality, therefor you are sane. If you are insane, you are in your own reality, and would swear that you are perfectly sane. By nominating yourself, you’ve demonstrated a foothold in reality, therfore, you are not the most insane doper.
I nominate december. I’ve tried to follow his logic a few times, and it just ends up making my head hurt. He also would fulfill the criterea, since he’ll swear up and down that he is sane, even though we all could see that he is not. I’ll look into the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory to see where we can pigeon hole him…
Sorry, I can’t remember his name, but there was a poster a few months back who would start threads with incredibly long posts (a hundred lines of text were not unusual) and nobody would have any idea what he was talking about. People would ask him to explain the subject but he’d just go off on another tangent.
I am increasingly annoyed today about my peace being disturbed by the helicopters. I blame Nelson Mandela, Muhammed Ali, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. And lots of disabled people.
Correct ~ a coherent system and taxonomy. Wrong != a coherent system. Ergo, coherent system & ^ Ali Shwarzenegger, Mandela living in their own and.or alternate systems, creating the nuisances of noise pollution with rotor blads… Rotors => circularity of movement without spiral trajectory. Disabled people => population thinks no system or trajectory unless acted on by external forces; disablement not disabld \ can prove what “disabler” is.
I’m sick and tired of the fucking maggots posting using my username!
It’s not bad enough (apparantly) that the government is trying to control me by flouridating my water supply. Flouride lowers inhibitions and your sense of self. I have notebooks and notebooks full of proof and references to this abhorrent practice.
Don’t blame me for not coming forward sooner. I’ve been trying, but Bob Barker’s Price Is Right keeps thwarting my advances. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you are already too far gone.
I’m sure I’ll be arrested soon for posting this. At the very least. I will be discredited and all my warnings will seem to others to be nothing but crackpot ramblings.
I look forward to that actually, as it will prove once and for all that I am right and all the rest of you are deluded cows or are in on the plots against me.