Doper of the Year

This thread is about something that was brought up in another thread, and about a comment I made in jest, which got me thinking.

Has the SDMB ever had an “awards” type thread? Where certain individuals get the honor of something?

Smartest Doper comments:_____
Best Debating Doper:______
Best Witnessing Doper:______
Most thought-provoking doper:_______
Funniest doper:_______
Doper whose sanity is most in question:______
Rookie Doper of the Year:______

If we haven’t, then I say we have one. There would be no actual prizes, just the honor of being able to add “Doper of …” to one’s signature.

We could come up with categories, people would get nominated, and then a vote would be in order.

What do you all think? Am I of slow, drooling mental intellect, or does this idea have some promise?

Mods, can this be achieved?

Mods, can you get rid of those **s?

I think this is A Bad Idea®.

These things quickly snowball into popularity contests. People are excluded or ignored. Feelings get hurt. People sulk. Nothing useful is accomplished.

No good can come of it.

yeah Mermaid, you all laughed in my face when I got nominated.

Well maybe we could put qualifiers on it. Like you have to have examples or whatnot.

Kwijibo won the favorite little guy award a while back. I don’t know how official it was though.

Kwijibo also accused me of being a troll (sorry for being a whinge, but it brings back memories)

Before anyone has the chance to cry “sour grapes”

Being as how I am rarely mentioned in “who is the hottest, smartest, sexiest, etc doper” contests you may be right.

Hey maybe I can run for Bitterest Doper of the Year???

Can I be close second?

[Barbra Streisand]

Memmmmmmmmories light the corner of my mind! :smiley:

[/Barbra Streisand]

(Meatros, take my advice, dear. Drop it like a hot potato. ;))

This would be too much work for me. Sometimes I am here frequently, and sometimes I am rarely here. [Yes, profound!]

I admit, I haven’t thought this thing all the way through yet, that’s what 4 hours of sleep and a heft day at work will do to you, but I’ve been having all sorts of crazy ideas about SDMB today (probably because I am trying in vain to get my mind off of work while I’m at work .


Trust me on this one. I am jumping in to spare you pain and humiliation beyond anything you’ve likely ever known. :slight_smile:

You know, you are just peaking my curiousity about this, right?:smiley:

Ditto what Lib said. You don’t want to go there.

Bosda wrote the thread, so just search his name and you’ll find the thread. I can’t do the links properly.

Ok I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are replying to my request for a cite. This is Bosda’s ode to Ryan Thread. You will notice that I have not posted to it.

If you heard people are laughing at you, it wasn’t me. Not out loud anyway.

The FAQ page is your friend.

Thanx mermaid, they all seem to be head over heels in love with BZ00000.

You’re just jealous:D