And will you continue to do so? This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. Actually, surpassed stupid and went right to Asinine (why only one S in this word???). And that is saying something with the glacial pace that it seems to move at. If it’s going anywhere, it ain’t on no schedule.
What the fuck? In a plane crash, so why not just set up housekeeping and stay there? Don’t make any attempt to be found or get to civilization. Hell, laugh and joke and have slumber-parties. And even with all the constant back and forth between past and present, it ain’t going anywhere. I have lots of other stuff to say, but I’ma keep it to myself.
This is some stoopid, slow moving old bullshit. If there wasn’t anything else on Sunday night, I’d bail. Actually, I will. Fuck it. I’ll watch snow fall instead.
Completely disagree with every single part of that OP. This show has done excellent with creating an overwhelming sense of dread and horror. I wish it was on Netflix so I could binge the whole thing at once. I am really intrigued with where they are going to go with the storylines. Each episode flies by so quickly, I have no idea how you can call it “slow.”
I’ve been waiting until the season is done so I can binge it, seemed like something that would probably do well as a gallop through. I find I’m more tolerant of flaws if I can get those first few shows done quickly to overwhelm my nitpickery. I do that. Shocking, I know!
Eh, I don’t like it. I woulda marched out of that forrest in a couple days, tops. The dread and horror are there, I guess, but they ain’t doing anything with it.
It’s my new favorite show. Great casting. The soundtrack is a fun throwback even if not all the songs are to my tastes. The Natalie and Misty scenes are great.
As far as them not going searching for help, I don’t think that is so unbelievable. Generally the advice you get when you are lost is to stay put. They are still basically a bunch of kids with no survival skills. They have an injured person who can’t travel and they know there are dangerous animals around. Once they venture from the crash site to find water and find shelter and a means to get food staying where they are is probably the most rational decision especially since they don’t know Misty destroyed the beacon.
I like the slow pace. I have read the show creators have a plan for up to five seasons. They said they will answer some mysteries and introduce new ones as the show goes on which gives me hope it won’t suffer from X-Files syndrome (which I admit is something I am a bit apprehensive about but so far I am along for the ride).
Doesn’t seem, so far, to have much of an overlap with Dexter but in future, who knows? But I will say that I found the last couple of seasons and the reboot of Dexter to be unwatchable, but Yellowjackets seems like a lot of fun. I’m three episodes in so far and enjoying the hell out of it.
What does Dexter have to do with it? You’re not thinking of Dexter:New Blood, are you?
Anyway, I’m liking it. I’m confused about where it’s going and it can be a bit slow, but I’m liking it. I don’t have an issue with them not trying to get help. As mentioned, these are a bunch of kids that aren’t really thinking straight and are working on the assumption that they don’t need to find help, help is going to find them. In the first episode, they assumed someone would show up that day.
Regarding Misty destroying the beacon. I feel like that was more to close a plot hole than anything else. Since, at least so far (though I haven’t watched the most recent episode), it hasn’t been mentioned again. I keep wondering if they only included that scene to keep the audience from questioning it.
We know they did eventually get rescued since this is all shown from the POV of them as adults remembering what happened. But it won’t hurt my feelings if, at some point, they realize they should keep fires lit on the beach overnight and set up some broken mirrors or the word HELP made from rocks to get attention during the day.
Nope, that’s “Dexter: New Blood.” This one is a mystery about a girl’s soccer team who were on a plane that crashed in the wilderness and had to survive for 19 months, told in present day by the survivors and in flashbacks to the time out in the woods.
Wife and I are watching and enjoying it so far. One plot element that’s coming into focus that I’m not sure I like is the supernatural aspect to the story; I think it would have stood up on its own just fine as “Lord of the Flies, but with girls” and the aftermath of that 20 years later.
That’s what I’m concerned about. I’m almost certain I heard something about that before the show even started. I generally don’t bother with shows like that. At least not drama type shows. I never got into Lost, I stopped watching Wayward Pines when it went in that direction. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with Yellowjackets if it wasn’t for Christina Ricci, Juliette Lewis and Melanie Lynskey.
There’s a whole lot of moving parts and, to be honest, I don’t know how they all play into each other. Sometimes when I’m watching I feel like I’m missing something, but I’m assuming they’re laying some groundwork and it’ll (hopefully) all come together soon.
How so? Not disputing, just wondering if I misremember-- as far as I do remember from reading the books and watching the TV series, Wayward Pines was pure sci-fi mystery (albeit very silly sci-fi in many ways).
Agreed. That’s the one aspect that I dislike and if that ends up being a major reason for what happened I may not return for a second season. I have no idea where they are going with the son, but if it’s all just “evil spirits possessed them & caused it all” that is way less interesting a plot than figuring out why regular people turned to ritualistic cannibalism.
After a quick glace at wiki to refresh my memory. Our main character is in a car accident and wakes up on, what is essentially, a compound that he’s trapped in with a lot of other people that were there under similar circumstances. Halfway through the first season, the “abbies” show up near the perimeter wall. Later in the season (or maybe in the second season), they became a bigger part of the show and, again IIRC, I stopped watching.
Also, I completely forgot Juliette Lewis was in that as well.
I guess the abbies should be considered more sci-fi than supernatural, I just recall being annoyed that they showed up halfway through the season. If I knew about them beforehand, I probably wouldn’t have bothered. Similar to Lost. No idea if it was mentioned in commercials before the show started, but when the smoke monster showed up, I was done. I think it was the first episode.
That’s part of my reason for disliking the genre. Rightly or wrongly, it always feels too deus ex machina-ish, especially when it shows up midway through a season.
Granted, it can be done well. Twin Peaks was a great example. But it doesn’t always work out like that.