Who Is Your Corporate Sponser? *A Game! A Poll!* (but mostly a poll)

Did you see Mystery Men, and how even Captain Amazing needed corporate sponsors? Like the racecar drivers, he had logos all over his jumpsuit. There was even a local couple who got sponsors for their wedding. They sold ad space on the back of their wedding program.

So picture it: it’s the Near Future and your everyday guy on the street need corporate sponsorship just to get by (and not to be sexist, the chicks on the street are in the same boat). Who would sponsor you? Which logos are on your jumpsuit?

Remember, everyone’s after the big ones: BMW, Nike, M&M’s. So if you’re after one of these guys, you’d better have a strong case.
Me? I’d hope that Coke and Honda would sponsor me, just in recognition of my loyalty. Lowe’s and Sony should come through too. But probably not. I’d probably be lucky to score the Diamond Nut people and maybe Dr. Scholl’s. (But the boys should be good with Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Crackers and Van DeCamp’s Fish Sticks.)

William Grant & Sons Ltd would sponsor me, and demand to have product placement of a bottle of Glenfiddich in every room in my home. United Distillers & Vintners, too, but to a lesser extent.

Well, trusting that in a few more years I won’t be needing dentures and diapers, I’m going to put my bid in for Sam’s choice Clear American Black Cherry Sparkling Flavored Beverage - my favoritest no caffeine/no calorie/no sodium flavored water. And, naturally, Lindt should sponsor me as I would sell my body for their truffles. Well, OK, maybe mot my body, but the whole back of my corporate jumpsuit could be theirs!

We’re already covered with corporate sponsorship. The sad fact is that we’re paying for it instead of the sponsor.
Just look around you at all the Nike Swooshes, Tommy Hilfiger labels, sports franchise logos, band logos, Jansport backpacks, etc.

From Frontline’s “Merchants Of Cool
“For today’s teens, a walk in the street may as well be a stroll through the mall. Anywhere they rest their eyes, they’ll be exposed to a marketing message. A typical American teenager will process over 3,000 discrete advertisements in a single day, and 10 million by the time they’re 18.”

ummm, Fib, it’s a game… a poll… a little lighthearted fun… IRL, I don’t wear any such stuff as you’ve described because I’m not a walking sales pitch.

But for a lifetime supply of truffles, I just might let Lindt tattoo me… :smiley:

Hmm … what about those bubble tea people? I like bubble tea (and God knows I’ve drunk enough of it to qualify).

Oh, and Difflam throat lozenges can sponsor me anyday - I’ve been recommending them left and right since everyone around me has a sore throat.

I would have a Guiness/Bass Ale Yin Yang cirlce as the centerpiece of my cape (in the future everyone wears capes), of course the color of the cloak would be black and tan. Oreo’s would be plastered accross my chest (original or fudge covered, not the abomination that is chocolate cream and peanutbutter). My pants would have a high turnover rate as I would advertise current movies, unfortunately I only have about 34 inch legs so I couldn’t do long sequels (Like Starwars VII Episode of the Attack that was Brought About When the Jedi Returned after the Empire Struck Back). But my underwear are my own dammit… upon checking it turns out these are Joe’s boxers.

I am already a wholly-owned subsidiary of


Corona, Adidas & Sony.

Crown Royal, Mountain Dew and Pringles - all with pre-existing product placement.

I’d probably turn down Home Depot, mainly because I don’t think I could bring myself to walk around in orange all day.

Saucony - I’m training for a 1/2 marathon and run in their shoes.

Samsung Cellular - I’m obsessed with Samsung Cellular phones

Compaq iPAQ - How did I become a Pocket PC geek so quickly??

Banana Republic - I loves me some BR.


Coca-Cola, Apple Computers, and Ferrari.

The first two for sheer persistence in using their products, the last because I’ve always wanted an uber- expensive European sports car. :smiley:

eBay, hands down.

Stinkum, brought to you by:

Honda (can I get a CR-V out of this?)
Eukanuba Dog Food (actually not for ME, per se, but the Mad Labs desperately need sponsorship of SOME kind since they are expensive to feed and really don’t have jobs)
Trader Joe’s
Ghiradelli Chocolates
Big Lots

Rolling Rock, AMD, Target and VW.
Give me free beer, free computer stuff, free flannel’s and free GTI.

I would like to officially thank whoever came in and fixed that pesky typo in the title. (Czarcasm?, TVeblen?)

Unfortunately, since Hallmark isn’t in my corner, you won’t be getting a nice card. And even Hershey won’t return my calls, so the chocolate’s out too.

Ya gotta just take my heartfelt thanks. Sorry.

I detest logos and refuse to wear anything with any words, logos or anything that anyone might relate to any business. Which makes it tough to find sneakers.
But I suppose I might let the Humane Society be a sponser. And the Atlanta Braves. And what the hell, The Chicago Reader and Cecil can come too.

Ladies and gentlemen, the new and improved 2002 Zappo!

Brought to you by General Motors, eBay, HBO and Cadillac Craft Center!

alice_in_wonderland brought to you by MAC cosmetics, Jackpot/Sanwich clothing and Shopper’s Drug Mart.

Hey - it’s good to have a hobby. Mine just happens to be grooming…:stuck_out_tongue:

Bonzo Industries and its subsidiaries, Bonzo Trivia Services, Arflebarfle Enterprises, and Klassy Productions, already sponsor me.

However, if you mean actual trademarks, I’d go with Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and DC Comics.