Who Shot JKF?

I get the feeling that some of you have read the same books that I have. There was one book I read a couple of years, which the name escapes me at the moment, that listed all the different conspiracy theories and the possible reasons by them. Actually, the book may have been named “Conspiracy”. I’m going to my folks house for dinner and they have the book there. I look at it and give the author’s name so some of you could check it out yourselves if you choose.

One of the theories was about the Cuban government taking him out because of the Bay of Pigs invasion. I found this one a little on the ridiculous side, until I read this book which explained that Oswald supposedly worked awhile for the pro-Castro group, then supposedly switched and worked for an anti-Castro group (or maybe the other way around, anti-Castro group first and then pro-Castro), that somehow they got him to do it.

There were other theories, the Mob doing it over Bobby Kennedy’s crusade against the mob, the vice-president having the CIA take him out because he really wanted to be the boss, or the one where the man named Oswald who went to Russia, and the man who came back from Russia was not the same guy, that the Russians replaced the real Oswald for a double.

Actually, a very fascinating book. Even explains, in detail, how the path that the “magic bullet” took was theoretically (not to mention physically )impossible.

My theory, however, is that he was taken out by the Illuminati :slight_smile:

“We are what we pretend to be.”

  • Kurt Vonnegut

Part of what fuels these conspiracy theories is that there really are a lot of odd facts surrounding the key players in the assassination.

Kennedy had a LOT of enemies. The mob was furious with him for what they saw as betrayal after they helped him get elected and then Robert started attacking the mob in a big way. The expatriate cubans were furious with him for his backstabbing at the Bay of Pigs. The CIA had no fondness for him, and it’s said that J. Edgar Hoover hated the man.

Big deal. Every president has enemies.

Then there’s Oswald, who’s a pretty colorful character for a lone nut. An ex-marine who served at a top-secret installation off the coast of Japan, then left the Marines, defected to the Soviet Union, left the Soviet Union, came back to America, and killed the President.

Jack Ruby, who isn’t your average patriotic citizen. He had a rap sheet a mile long, and associated in the same circles as Oswald.

Then there are the eyewitness reports, which are pretty strange. Two police officers head for the grassy knoll, and claim they were turned away by men flashing secret service badges. But the only secret service agents in the area were around the limo.

The autopsy, which you would have thought would have been the most careful autopsy ever performed, was horribly botched and perfunctory. Many of the standard autopsy procedures weren’t carried out. Diagrams of wounds don’t match eyewitness reports of doctors that treated Kennedy at Bethesda. Even the Warren Commission chastized the doctors for shoddy work.

At this point, it’s impossible to separate the bullshit from the truth, and it’s hard to say how many of the ‘strange facts’ around the Kennedy assassination are hearsay and outright urban legends. Many of the ‘conspiracy’ books simply build on ‘facts’ and assertions collected by earlier conspiracy books, providing second-hand and third-hand information.

A lot of the ‘evidence’ is pure data mining. We all know about six degrees of separation. Look into anyone’s background hard enough, long enough, and you’re going to find some strange connections. Coincidences happen. A lot of conspiracy theories have built on some pretty tenous chains of evidence that could easily be just coincidence.

Still, at the very root of issue, we have a guy who can’t shoot very well apparently firing a weapon so well that the best snipers in the world can’t do it under controlled conditions. And then this guy is shot execution-style by an underworld figure before he can testify. Hard to explain.

It was me.

No, no…it wasn’t you…it was the one armed man :slight_smile:

Anyways, I saw the book at my parents house and it’s actually called Crossfire. I can’t recall the author’s name, though.

“We are what we pretend to be.”

  • Kurt Vonnegut

It seems to me that the only way it could have been Oswald is if you accept the magic bullet theory. Does anyone disagree on that?

The magic bullet theory is obviously full of crap, so that pretty much explains my opinion on the matter.

Another thing, I read that the rifle he was using was called the “humanitarian rifle” in the Italian army. Why? Because it would never hit anything it was aimed at.

The rifle was accurate enough. At the range Oswald was shooting, the FBI managed to put 2-inch groups into a target.

The ‘magic bullet’ is difficult, but I don’t know if it’s impossible. Highly unlikely, for sure. The trajectories look impossible if you seat the occupants in the likely positions they were in, but if you assume that they were leaned this way and that you can come up with a possible trajectory.

The Warren Commission fudged all kinds of things regarding this. For example, the entrance wound on the back of Kennedy’s neck is 5 cm lower than the exit wound. But the wound on Connolly’s back is lower than the entrance wound on Kennedy. Hard to explain how the bullet can do that. The Warren Commission’s drawing shows Kennedy leaning forwards about 30 degrees to account for this. The trouble is, there are no frames on the Zapruder film showing him doing any such thing. And, Kennedy wore a back brace which would make it very unlikely that he would assume that position casually. It would have taken quite a bit of effort on his part.

Also, the bullet that supposedly did all the damage to Connolly and Kennedy was only missing something like 13 grains of material. The doctor who operated on Connolly removed some fragments, and even so he testified that there were more than 13 grains of metal left in Connolly’s wrist. So it’s hard to match that bullet to all the wounds.

Like dhanson, I accept that LHO was a shooter but there HAD to have been another shooter from the front. As I stated earlier, I have seen several “specials” on this subject. One of the topics of discussion was the grassy knoll. In this special, it showed a photo of either some tall grasses or a bushy thicket. In a blown up photo of this bush/grass, there is the distinct outline of what appears to be a rifle barrel. The photos came from an off-duty deputy who was on the grassy knoll with his son(?) just to get some pictures of the motorcade.

A&E’s Investigations did a long series on this subject (I don’t know who owns A&E, but its part of the media, so there has to be a slant). It also mentioned the long list of people/witnesses close to the assasination who mysteriously died shortly afterwards and during the gathering of evidence.

Of course, another theory would be that Jackie was really running country (like Hillary today) and had JKF done it due to all of his whoring-around! We should be so lucky today.

“Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’”
E A Poe

SterlingNorth did it.
You can find hid confession here:

Change hid to his.

An excerpt from The Onion’s “Our Dumb Century”:

Presindent Shot 129 Times From 43 Different Angles

. . .Preliminary reports indicate that hitmen for the Giancana crime syndicate fired from a nearby grassy knoll, CIA agents fired from an office building slightly off the parade route, Cuban nationals fired from an overpass overlooking Dealey Plaza, an elite hit squad working for Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa fired from perches atop an oak tree, a ‘lone nut’ fired from the Texas Book Depository, a shadow-government sharp-shooting team fired from behind a wooden fence, a consortium of jealous husbands fired from an estimated 13 sites on the sidewalk along the route, a hitman working for Johnson fired from a sewer grate over which the limousine passed and Texas Gov. John Connally lunged at the president from within the limousine itself, slitting the president’s throat with a combat knife.

. . .all 43 were shot and killed by Jack Ruby, 52, a Dallas-area nightclub owner."

Does any of this sound familiar? Did they leave out any theories? The entire book is full of these outrageous headlines! It even made my grandfather chuckle!

“Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’”
E A Poe

Oswald did it but he wasn’t alone he was setup as the fall guy. … “Monster trucks are for people who don’t understand wrestling”-Red Green

I dunno who was in on what, but … Oswald, Ruby, Sirhan, Ray – all just “lone nuts,” huh? Maybe …