Who the hell is this guy?

I was watching an old video tape I got from a friend and there was some stand up comedy bits from Comedy Central that he recorded between episodes of South Park. There was one comedian in particular that I’ve seen in the past and he just kills me. Problem is I don’t know his name.

He’s looks like a pretty average Joe, has a somewhat nervous/whining voice and when he delivers his jokes he usually had the mike really close to his mouth. Sometimes he even covers his mouth with a nervous fist (as if he’s biting his nails or something). This seems to cover him laughing when he delivers the punch lines, and he always sounds like he’s on the edge of cracking up.

Does anyone know who this guy is…He’s really funny.

Could it be Jake Johanson (sp?)? It sorta sounds like his style.


Can you describe the style of his jokes?

Any instruments? Specific topics he focused on?

Try this site

I can vaguely think of the comedian you’re talking about, almost even picture him. But the nervous fist thing doesn’t sound like Jake Johannsen. Speaking of whom, I remember watching Johannsen do a riff on He-Man action figures, man, that was the last time I can remember laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.

Steven Wright and Bobcat Goldthwaite both sound pretty nervous. Guess it might be one of them.

Short, fat, long hair, getting bald, eyes like a puppy, scared look in his face? Bobcat Goldwaith. He was the punk guy from Police Academy.

I think I know who you’re talking about, but it’s neither Bobcat Goldwaithe or Steven Wright.

Did he do a joke about a cow being stupid because it would eat the hamburger he was trying to feed him? This is going to drive me nuts until I remember his name…

It now sounds to me like a comedian who unfortunately died of cancer a couple year ago–his name was Dennis ???, had a small role on Quantum Leap as a character, I believe, named Ziggy, or some nickname. Seemed to tremble a lot as he told jokes.


Could it be Mitch Hedburg?

Dennis Wolfberg. Given that the OP describes “a pretty average Joe,” I don’t know if this is the guy, either. Wolfberg had that freaky hair and he delivered his jokes as if he had something irritating both of his eyes at the same time.

Hmm … I’m conjuring a name in my little mind. Is the comedian in question named Todd or something? Todd Perry? Don’t know why I thought of that.

You know, Mitch Hedburg does sound like a pretty good guess, now that I’ve thought about it.

How about Jeremy Hotz? He does an angst-ridden, whining nervous bit, I seem to recall him doing the fist-chewing, he looks rather normal and he’s hysterical:


Mitch Hedberg is awesome.

Note to mellonhead: Mitch Hedburg’s bit is that he acts like a stoner, with his jokes usually jumping from topic to topic. He seems really out of it when he talks, but he does the “microphone near the mouth” thing. Example of one of his jokes:

“I like escalators. When the break down, they turn into stairs.”



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