OK, in this thread:
John Corrado complains about an online Diplomacy game he’s in.
Well and good.
Then I end up offering to GM an online game of Diplomacy so John can be in a better circumstance. People sign up.
But I’m willing to do two games. And I only have one person for game number two.
If you’re interested please go to the thread up there and follow my instructions for signing up.
I’ve got six slots open. First six who follow the rules get in.
Country assignments! We want country assignments!
So hurry up, weirddave !
*Originally posted by Maeglin *
**Country assignments! We want country assignments!
So hurry up, weirddave ! **
Good gravy! I just got home and read the e-mail 5 minutes ago. I’ll answer by tonight, keep your pants on!
November 9, 2001, 10:19pm
Mommy, daddy, is it tonight, yet?
Ok, I’m done. You’re up, Maeg.
November 9, 2001, 10:41pm
I put in my request last night…just wanted to see if I would get it.
So, everybody gang-bang Russia?
I want a piece of Game 2.
Thanks for the tip-off, Weirddave .
Country assignments for game one in a few minutes! I’m feeding a baby here!
Two more players needed for game two!
The country assignments for game one are now available in the other thread.
Still need two more players for game two!
Who’s in!
In a pitifully transparent attempt to distract people from the train wreck that is occuring in the ‘Pay to Post’ thread I’d just like to point out that I STILL have two slots open for my second SDMB diplomacy game.
Two more people, that’s all I need.
Email me! nwooley@pur.com
November 10, 2001, 3:47am
I played one of Maeglin’s games, really awfully, as England. It scares me now.
I would, Jonathan, but I truly don’t have the time for what this will all become:-)
Yet another person has joined game two!
That leaves one more open slot for game two. One more person and the site will be up.
C’mon, kids. You know you want to.
Game two is now full!
So that’s two games of SDMB Diplomacy run by yours truly!
I’m sending an email out to the participants of game two in a few short minutes!
I’m the Turks! Purty cool.
I just thought I’d point out for those who don’t have the rules, Hasbro has made them available online in PDF format at:
November 10, 2001, 7:30pm
I used to play in high school a long long time ago. We were all ready to kill each other.