Who wants some nice DIP-packaged 4PDT relays?

'cause I’ve got a metric assload that I’m trying to unload.

Panasonic NC4EBD-P-DC5V 4PDT Relays
Panasonic NC2EBD-P-DC5V DPDT Relays

Data sheet here.

I picked up a giant box of spare relays from a dude on Craigslist for my relay computing project but I can’t really use these particular ones because they’re too big. Then I found out that they sell for like $18-$20 a pop. :eek: I got plenty of better relays in the box that I’m keeping, though. If I sell enough of these I can break even on the whole thing.

Go nuts.


Here are the 4PDT ones:


And the DPDT:


I gave away about ten large cases of such stuff when I moved across country. The best of a thirty year accumulation of electronic gear and components, including a lot of very rare and exotic stuff (prototype and proprietary chips, etc.). Broke my heart, but there was only so much I could take.

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And I want world peace.