Who Wants To Be A Superhero?

Face Front, True Believers!

I think I’m gonna hide under a pile of “Watchmen” comics until this goes away.

The sad part of this is that the winner will be a cliche. The really creative stuff will get dumped. We want MiddleAgedDad and MousySmartGirl and WimpyComputerGeek and SingleMom and who know what else. What we’ll get is yet another buff, action-figure, martial arts, ho-hum “hero.”

Will there be mention of “Stretching Powers”?

And if you get that one, you’re a real comic book geek. I’m waiting for you, Fenris.


Well, at least it will provide opportunities for attractive people to show off in spandex.

Then again, how many attractive people are likely to try out for this show?

That’s not a belly-pack, lady. It’s a superhero utility belt!

Didn’t we already see this in Mystery Men?

I could be CATBOY!!! Possessed from birth with the amazing abilities of night vision, the tendency to ignore everyone, and find a nice sunny spot to sleep in, CATBOY!!! protects the innocent by hating human contact and peeing just outside of his litterbox.


Best… book… EVER.

goes off to find his copy…

Yes. “How To Be A Superhero”. Very funny.

I got an e-mail forwarded from a friend of mine about a new BBC series similar to Junkyard Wars, but the premise is the teams are composed of “superheroes” who use their “powers” to come up with solutions to games/puzzles.

Might be more fun than this Stan Lee piece of crap.