Who wants to have sex with SanibelMan?


I see, I see, hmm…


So why don’t YOU do him, AngelD112, if you like him so? Lemme guess - he’s a “friend”. Deja vu!

Man O man, if all my girl-friends-who-think-I’m-great ever started volunteering to put out, I’d get more tail than Prince.

Darn! I was just going to ask that very same question!

You know, that is a very good question. Why don’t I do it? And I have a very simple answer. You’re right, he’s a friend. But the better answer is simple- I’m not looking to have sex. Is that a good enough answer?

blush Why, thank you. And as an aside, I might point out it turned out to be 6 1/2 hours roundtrip, with traffic. :slight_smile:

Not really.

If getting Sandy laid is this important to you, you should take one for the team.

*Originally posted by Satan *

Satan, last of the great romantics…:slight_smile:

My word, you try to do a friend a favor. Just because he wants to have sex with someone, doesn’t mean I want to. I was simply trying to open door’s for the boy. Anyway, you don’t see him asking me to sleep with him, do you?

But that’s the sign of being a really good friend!! Who better to tenderly remove him of his virginity, if he is a virgin, that is, than someone he already knows and trusts?

A little wine, soft music and thou.

Um, who ever said I wasn’t a virgin? You have a point, but the truth is still simple. Just because he wants to lose his virginity, doesn’t mean I do. This is really not about me. Its about SanibelMan.

Well, the idea sounds fine to me too. There is nothing better than an intimate friend. Who better to show him the ropes than someone who already knows and likes him, who will be concerned about his feelings? I mean, you never know here on this or any board. He could get mixed up with an Internet Sweetie who turns into Ms. Hyde when they are alone, gets snide about his actions, laughs at any mistakes he might make and then goes and blabs it all over the net!!

I’ve been reading the board for a few weeks now before registering and there are some here who sound so sweet and cuddly that butter would not melt in their mouths but get them into an argument and bitch comes out with horns and flames! They go for the balls! You don’t want him to tangle with one of those!

Got any nice girlfriends who you’d trust with him?
I’ve heard that some women just love to be a guys first. Nice girls who are kind and understanding, sweet and patient? I mean, not one who’d show up with spurs and whips, spiked collars and leashes and scare the heck out of the guy.

Mmmm sexy sanibelman… i’d do him… WAIT… I am supposed to be dating Yue Han… oops… I mean… nevermind

Heh, heh, heh. Seems like your, uh, grip on the lead might not be as strong as you think, Yue Han. :wink:

It must be disconcerting that so many more men are responding than women?

AngelD, it was very nice of you to help out Sanibel this way. I wish my friends would do the same! That being said … I think the other posters are right. :smiley: If you’re not going to help him out yourself (and I understand the reason(s) why, believe me), may I suggest that an IRL setup might be more helpful?

You’re probably right, a IRL setup would be more helpful. Truth is, last time I tried that, she turned out to be a psychopathic witch pretending to be a sweet innocent new girl. (Remember, Jon?) I really didn’t mean for this to turn out the way it did.

(my emphasis)

I’m screwed. Or is it “I’m not screwed,”?

Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I should have mentioned that at the beginning. =)