Who/What were your schools named after?

I’ll just list my Jr High School, 'cuz it’s probably the most politically incorrect.
Jefferson Davis Junior High School - named for the President of the Confederacy. and, yes, the school is in Virginia.
Our team name? “The Rebels”
Logo? A raging confederate soldier with gun drawn.

Nowadays, it’s just Davis Middle School.

Elementary - the part of town its in

Junior High - the part of town its in

High School - confederate general (Robert E. Lee), we were the “Generals,” our school paper was “The Traveller” - Lee’s horse’s name. The ironic thing*, due to demographic changes, for the last several years, the vast majority of the students at R.E.Lee are African-American (“black”). Haven’t heard any noise about changing the name (it IS one of the 2 oldest HS in town), unlike at another HS in town - Nathan B. Forrest - something about being founder of the Klan doesn’t sit well with its, now*, majority black population. Every few years there’s a push to change the name that eventually dies out.

College #1 - the state
College #2 - the part of the state its in

By way of explaining the irony, back in the day, both schools were all, or nearly all, white; combination of demographics and segregation.

Public school: my home town

High school: my home town

Summer school #1: a saint

University # 1: the city it’s in

University # 2: the province it’s in

University # 3: a queen

Summer schoold # 2: the city it’s in (different city from U#1)

University # 4: an archbishop

University # 5: a Connecticut Yankee

What can I say? I moved around a bit.

Elementary: Parliament Oak…1st parliament of Upper Canada was held under an oak tree on the school grounds.

Secondary: Niagara District, named for location

University: Waterloo, named for location, City of Waterloo.

Elementary school: famous female person who was deaf and blind but still succeeded (guess)

Middle School: completely made up, has no relation to anything around it. It’s not anyone or anything’s name, and it’s just a random, cool-sounding phrase. The same goes for the other middle school in my town.

High School: city it’s in. The other high school, a charter one, uses a completely random phrase which sounds cool, like the middle schools.

Elemantary, Middle and High School are all named after the town they are in.

Elementary School: Named after the state tree and flower of Mississippi
Junior High/High School (one building): Named after my hometown and the part of town it was in (South ____ Junior/Senior High)
College: City and state it is in
Grad school: A king and queen
Law school: City and state it is in

Elementary: location of the school; “Central”

Middle: a local car dealer who donated the land for the building

High: named after our town

My grade school, junior high and high school up through my junior year were named for the towns they were in.

For my senior year my high school was named “Centennial High School” for the Idaho statehood Centennial, which was in 1990. The school was built a couple years beforehand, and we were the first class to graduate from the school in 1988.

Primary School: a saint (St Anne’s Primary School)

Secondary School: the sex of the students and a religion (Methodist Ladies’ College)

University: a city (University of Melbourne)

Elementary school #1: area of the city

Elementary school #2: ditto

Junior high school: geographic area outside the city

High school: last name of a former superintendent, Fred Seaman. I got more dirty looks and requests for spelling when revealing this fact to people who don’t live around here. This guy was also a member of the KKK. Thank god our sports teams weren’t known as the Trojans like one of the other HS in the city.

k-2: sort of nearby town “Mountain View”
3-5: neighborhood of Hilo “Waiakea”
6: local wealthy family “Evers”
7: Some guy “Strickland”
8: President “Washington”
9-12: Neighborhood “Kaimuki”

My elementary school was named after the street it was in, which was named after a famous Australian explorer.

My high school was named after our town, which was named after an Aboriginal word that has many varied definitions (in other words, no one actually knows what it means).

Elementary school: a nearby river.
Middle school: Name of two former schools that merged.
High school: I think a school in Britain that the founder attended.
Cegep: Marianopolis, Greek equivalent of “Ville Marie” (city of Mary), a former name for Montreal. Given to the cégep by the nuns who run it. (Yes, it was a secular school.)
University: the university’s founder, an early 19th century robber baron.

Geez, what’s with the apologies and cracks about political incorrectness? I don’t see anything wrong with naming a school after great civil war heroes, even if they did fight for the “wrong” (gasp!) side.

K-5 school: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Midlde school: Mr. Nichols; can’t even remember who he was.
High school: name of the town
Undergrad school: name of the city
Grad school: name of the state

Elementary: A naturalist (John Muir)
Elementary: The neighborhood (River Oaks)
Elementary: A country, but not the one it’s in (Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan)
High School: A saint (St. John)
High School: Military hero and president of the Republic of Texas (Mirabeau B. Lamar)
Community College: Uh, what…the environment? (College of the Mainland)
University: Another saint (St. Thomas)
University: The city (Houston)
University: The state (Texas)

Elementary – The community it was in, West Hollywood. Founded in 1910, so prehistoric by L.A. standards.

Middle: Ralph Waldo Emerson

High: Originally dedicated to Warren G. Harding in 1924, they changed that a few years later. Something about a scandal in office and in incompetent President. Most of our other high schools in L.A. are named for presidents.

University: The state (both UCLA and UCSD).

Piblic school #1: the subdivision it was in.
Public school #2: Somebody named “E.A. Fairman”.
Senior Public school: the town.
High School: the street it was on.
University: the city it was in.
Community college: “Sheridan”. I honestly don’t know whether that’s a person, a place in the Old Country, or what, but it shows up all over the western parts of the Greater Toronto Area: streets, neighbourhoods, car dealerships…

Primary, middle and high schools: Just called [district] Primary, [district] Middle and [district] High. The district is named after a fictional character from a well-known Washington Irving story that has been interpreted as a Disney movie; the character was supposedly based on a schoolmaster who taught in our town in the first half of the 19th century.

Elementary #1: A president born in our town.

Elementary #2: A state governor who was probably also born in our town.