Who will be the next prominent politician caught up in a gay scandal?

Inspired by the recent story about anti-gay rights state senator from California Roy Ashburn getting arrested for DUI after leaving a gay bar.

I expect the hammer to fall on Rick Perry any day now. There have been rumors swirling around Texas for years that he was caught in flagrante delicto with a male aid at the state capitol.
Also not a politician per se, but someone who has a huge influence on U.S. politics, Rush Limbaugh. These pictures of his apartment, which he put up for sale, really make me call his sexuality into question.

Senator RuPaul?

Christ, it seems to be nearly unfailingly true that the most vocal gay-haters are gay. I know that I’m stating the obvious, but damn!


Congressman Eric Massa from NY is stepping down. He cites a recurrence of cancer as the reason, but he’s also just been accused of making unwanted sexual advances on a male staffer.

That’s about the only thing David Patterson hasn’t been accused Of!

Yeah, but it’s only 10 a.m.

My guess is that Marco Rubio’s crew will try to “out” Charlie Crist at some point if their numbers aren’t right.

Please. We do not want him on our team. He definitely had a gay decorator though.

Wow. That’s… sumptuous.

Hillary Clinton. She’s going to shack up with Lindsay Lohan or Madonna.

Or perhaps Sarah Palin :eek:

Massa’s gone. Word is that a male staffer is alleging sexual advances.

Perhaps Lindsay Graham:

It looks again as if the hammer may fall on Lindsey Graham.