Who would win in a battle between Fred Phelps and Gene Ray?

For those who don’t know, Fred Phelps runs godhatesfags.com, and Gene Ray runs timecube.com.

So, on one hand we have an old, ultra-religious, hostile homophobic Christians zealot. On the other, we have an old, nutty crackpot who is against Christianity. These two are natural enemies?

Personally, I think Gene Ray would win. He’s smarter than Phelps, and intelligence counts for a lot.

So, who’s your money on?

Hmmm, not sure. Let me think. I’d never heard of Ray or the Timecube concept, but I took a look at the link you provided for him. Since I live in Topeka I already knew all about Phelps. Any idea if Gene plays fair? Because if he doesn’t I’m beginning to suspect Phelps would win.

Ray seems to come off just as a crackpot. Phelps is more concentatedly evil, and he has the goons in his family to back him up Soooo, if I had to bet I’d bet on Phelps I guess.

As long as at least one of them is killed in battle, the world as a whole would be the winner.

I think making this a one on one battle isn’t sufficently entertaining. Let’s add some more nuts into the mix, make it a crackpot Battle Royale.

I submit David Icke. The Royal Family is made up of space reptiles? Sounds good to me.

And, oh, how about Mel Gibson’s Dad?

Miller, yeah. And while we’re at it, lets add Alex Chiu to the mix.

Sorry, just had to unbreak the index table :smiley:

If you add Alex Chiu to the mix, he would win easily. After all, he has the ** Immortality Device **.

I’d PAY to see Phelps go apeshit after Gene tells him, “Your God is cornered a queer!”

Why doesn’t anyone think of making reality shows like that? Forget young, hot, stupid people. Let’s get some old crazies to battle to the death!