So, on one hand we have an old, ultra-religious, hostile homophobic Christians zealot. On the other, we have an old, nutty crackpot who is against Christianity. These two are natural enemies?
Personally, I think Gene Ray would win. He’s smarter than Phelps, and intelligence counts for a lot.
Hmmm, not sure. Let me think. I’d never heard of Ray or the Timecube concept, but I took a look at the link you provided for him. Since I live in Topeka I already knew all about Phelps. Any idea if Gene plays fair? Because if he doesn’t I’m beginning to suspect Phelps would win.
Ray seems to come off just as a crackpot. Phelps is more concentatedly evil, and he has the goons in his family to back him up Soooo, if I had to bet I’d bet on Phelps I guess.