Who would you invite to dinner?

Thomas Jefferson was a notoriously bad dinner guest, even though he loved to have people at his table. He was very, very soft-spoken and he much preferred to listen and surrepticiously take notes about the conversation. I’d much rather sit down and talk with him one on one.

Albert Einstein
George Washington
Isaac Asimov
Benjamin Franklin
Richard Nixon
Babe Ruth

I think I got my bases covered – a scientist, a soldier, a writer/raconteur, an inventor, a politician, and an athlete. What a dinner it would be!

Matt Groening - Need I say why?
Einstein - See if he’s as wacky as I think he was
Abe Lincoln- I have a theory that’s he was actually 22 feet tall…need to confirm this… :stuck_out_tongue:
Jim Gaffagin - My fav. comedian
Jesus - Going on the assumption that he existed. Mostly, I’d want to get an offical record of what his thoughts on gay marraige, dealth penalty, war in his name, and so forth are.

If Jesus is found out to be unavailble due to non-existance, replace with Da Vinci.

Just don’t have too much pizzaaaaa. (That is only funny to about three people I know.)

This is my “Off the top of my head” list, and I know I’ll rethink it later and be angry.

Martha Washington (she was a hip, hip lady)
Casanova (for reasons best left undiscussed)
Helena Blavatsky (we can have a seance after dinner)
John Lennon ('nuff said)
Cleopatra (so she can teach me that neat trick of ruling the world and having men fight over her)
My friend Jessie (she’d thoroughly enjoy the guests, and we haven’t seen each other in over a year)

Guy Debord and Ralph Rumney (french writers)
Martin Luther
Johnny Rotten
Howard Stern

I’d just serve them Domino’s pizza. They’d probably be too busy fighting amongst themselves to eat anyway.

How to choose?

Mrs Pankhurst
Clara Barton
Bill Clinton
Jane Goodall
Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Stephen Hawking
Abraham Lincoln
Ayn Rand
Marilyn Monroe
Teddy Roosevelt

I was going to include Hitler, but it would totally freak me out to be in the same room with him.

albert einstein
leonardo da vinci
pierre trudeau
romeo dallaire
and my completely non-famous friend lex, who would have as wicked bad a time as me, and totally back up my story that the dinner really occurred.