Whoo-HOO! Who's THAT Hot MAMA?!!

It’s MY mama, silly. My Mom’s pic is up, post all of your gushing compliments, she’s been pretty low lately (it helps that she really is a hottie).


Tell her she rules.

My goodness, now I know where you get your looks from, Poysyn.

(Runadoc, have you heard that your daughter has an unfulfilled crush on me? Just curious.)


So that is where you got your good looks from.

Long flowing tresses, sparkling eyes… if she’d just smiled for her picture I bet we’d have found where you get your charming smile from too.


Oh sure Mr. Cynical, just blab it all over the boards.

(I thought I was being so subtle)

Yep, my mom is a cutey-patootie!

Waiting for Montfort and Iampuhna to comment, so…


Okay . . . I thought she was about 30 or 35 when I first saw that.

Poysyn, you’re all of what, 20? Um . . . I’m going to guess your mother is older than 35.

Can we see more? Please? Pretty please? Like, maybe a color photo or some shots of her entire body or at least one in better focus?:slight_smile:

My mom HATES her picture taken. With a PASSION! That’s why it’s a little blurry and she’s not smiling (don’t even try for a full body shot).

I’ll try to ambush her at the wedding, stay tuned!

Cute mom, cuter kid. :slight_smile:

(There, happy?)

Try for when she’s asleep, maybe? I don’t like having my picture taken either. When I get in good moods I’m okay with it. However, there is a reason there aren’t copious amounts of pictures of me.