Who's done with grad school? I am!

Why? Because I am now officially done with grad school!!!

I’ll just be over on the couch alternating between catching up on 2 years of lost sleep, watching DVD’s, and using my Playstation while I take a much deserved break from constant mental focus.

But Mullinator, that’s what grad school IS! :smiley:

Congrats regardless!

Three more semesters for me - and I’m still waiting for one of my grades from this semester to be posted.
I’m jealous, really. (This coming from someone who’s done nothing of any import since, oh, December 6th.)

What really hurts about grad school is how fast you start to gorget all that stuff once you stop using it on a daily basis.

One day you’re the world’s expert in , at least, your little corner of that discipline. Three weeks later …

Lucky the one who gets a job in the field he/she worked on in grad school.

I’m done with grad school, too! I went to law school for one semester then decided I’d rather have a social life…and voila! I was done! Woohoooo!

Congrats on your accomplishment, Mullinator!

I got my ‘terminal degree’ in August of 1993, but they must’ve forgotten to terminate me, because I’m still around.

But not in grad school. We’ve even all but got rid of the grad-school furniture. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Mully! A stellar accomplishment!

Congrats! And very well done!

I was done, but I am going through it again ::dummy::

Congrats, Mullinator!

I, too, am happy to say that I’m done with grad school. Effective this Saturday (or several weeks ago when I defended, however you count it), I am now…

Pantellerite, Ph.D.

So between the end of that, and being between semesters of my paying professoring job (I said I was done with grad school–I didn’t say I’d left school), I find myself with plenty of time. I’d also be on the PS2, but it’s wrapped under the tree for The Kid and I’m not allowed to touch it. So I’m dusting off an old Pentium and trying to network the house. That, and goof-off on-line. (Somebody please remind me that I have to give a final at 3:30!)

Again, congrats to Mullinator and every one else done with grad school!

Congrats, Mully!

[sub]One semester left on the ol’ MBA for me (Organizational Change and Development, yay) – I’ll be done in April! <whew!>[/sub]

You total bastards! Arghhh! I hate you all, but in a nice way.
Congratulations. Now comes the fun part, eh? Feeding yourselves? Ugh.

–Capybara, newly ABD who can’t yet see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The last semester really could not have felt like it moved slower. It wasn’t helped by the fact that I had to take an undergrad class to fulfill an requirement. I can’t believe the difference in style between the two settings. Constant homework, the way the students act, the way the teacher acts. I had not realized how much more “adult” (for lack of a better word) grad school was.

Done done done done done done done.

Sorry, can’t quite say that enough.

Way to go! Let me know what open spaces and green, grassy fields feel like - I’ll be sitting here in my 4 foot by 4 foot cubicle trying to stave off the grand mal seizures likely to result from my incessantly flickering fluorescent light.

(Oh, if no one hears from me for a couple weeks, it’s because I’m trapped under a pile of Derrida and Bakhtin texts. Send a St. Bernard with ramen noodles and coffee ASAP.)

Yes, as of Saturday, my degree was really conferred. I was done earlier, of course, but now the thing is truly official; I’m Cranky, PhD

I’m going to wait to walk across the stage in May, though.

Sweet, sweet freedom. Congrats to the rest of you finishers!

sigh Well, my first semester’s done. I pulled in A in both classes. Now only 4 or so more semesters to go! sigh

Only two days ago I received word that my thesis was accepted. Whoo-hoo! Now I get to play the ol’ find-some-funding-game for the next program.

Kudos to all who’ve finished!

Ah, you are never truly done with Grad School. Once these bastards get your email (and they will!), they will hound you incessantly for contributions.

Did I mention USC is going to the Orange Bowl, with Heisman Trophy winner Carson Palmer set to whip up on Iowa?

I told her I wanted to make love to her badly. She said I would have to do better than that.