Who's Happy? I'm Happy!

Today I got the good news that I get to be the helper every Wednesday for my neice’s kindergarten class. I am so excited! The kids are great and it will be neat to see what they do all day. And I just love cutting things out and pasting and coloring both in the lines and out. And my mom is so hip to the idea that she told me that she will pay for babysitting for my son. Yay! Plus, on Monday, I get to go to their Valentine’s Day party where there is sure to be heart-shaped Jello jigglers! My life is just so great right now. :slight_smile:

So if you’re happy and you know it,
Write a post to really show it!

A plate full of tater tots makes me happy. With salt. Yummmmmyy!

I’m hungry too. Oh wait, HAPPY, sorry the tater-tots confused me, yep I am pretty happy.

I’m Happy!! in 15 minutes I’ll be leaving for a wonderful one hour massage. Can’t wait!!

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

I’m happy!! Today I got two exams back. 95% on both, baby!! :slight_smile: Oh, I’m happy. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The best things in life are Italian…that’s the thing, though…I’m not Italian.

I’m happy! I’m on the verge of talking my mom into letting me transfer to the college I really wanted to go to! She actually told me to look up the prices and go see the campus! :slight_smile: Yay!

Not only will I be back in the city I love (Houston) but I’ll be rooming with my best friend and be fifteen minutes from Carl (instead of four hours!) :slight_smile: Yay!


I would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!

I am leaving at o’dark-thirty on Saturday morning to spend ten days with my true love. I’m so freaking happy I may explode. :slight_smile:


Fiat Justitia

Today I had a day where I could do no wrong- wowed the bosses (the big ones), got a lot done, and had a smile on my face.

As usual,

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity