Who's in Alpha Phi Omega?

I’ve seen at least two other Dopers reference the national co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. I wanna know who you are, alums or currently active brothers, what chapter you’re from, and if you’ll be at the National Convention in New Orleans this year. APO represent!

Me, I’m from the Omicron Phi chapter at the University of Richmond. Inactive currently, but with a lifetime membership. Kind of a long story as to why I’m inactive. Definitely going to Nationals.


I am an alum. from the Beta Sigma chapter, Texas Tech University. It was definitely the best group I became involved with while I was in school. Unfortunately I did not become aware of it until my last year and a half in school.

I had previously tried pledging a typical social fraternity, but never felt like I belonged and that they only interested in my dues money.

In APO I immediatley felt that I was “one of them”. I also liked the fact that they willingly did things for the community year round rather than one event a year, that felt more like an obligation. Another feature I liked is that it was co-ed and had a diverse membership.
I am a lifetime member, but after graduating in '91 have not really kept up with the organization. I tried to get invovled again while in grad. school at North Texas, but between work and class, I did not have the time. Also, because the school was primarily a commuter school between Dalla and Fort Worth, it did not have the same “spirit” as the group in Lubbock.

I do periodically think about it, and who knows, maybe this post will encourage me to get involved again.

One of my friends from HS joined APO at UC Berkeley. We don’t get to hang out with him any more.


I was hoping this post would get a few more replies.

So was I, Zap. The two people I’ve seen mention APO haven’t even come in. Wahh. :frowning:

I am! I’m a member of the Omicron Upsilon Chapter at West Chester University. I’m also currently inactive… another long story and I have every intention of being at Nationals, because last time at Philly it rocked!

Omicron Upsilon? Man! You guys are my chapter’s big brother by about like two seconds!

Wasn’t Philly awesome? I had the time of my life. Depending upon how many APO Dopers we can get in here we really ought to see if we can have a mini-Dopefest at New Orleans.

My roommate is a doper and also a brother and I know that she would totally be up for the mini-Dopefest; I know I am. I also know some brothers who are going to be there that are familiar with the Dope, but aren’t actual members, who would also be up for it. We’ll see what happens…

I’m glad that you had a good time at Philly, my chapter was one of the host chapters. So if you saw some brothers running around setting things up in their pjs, that was probably us. We were the Ceremonies and Entertainment commitee. It was a lot of fun.

I, like SweetLilKitty, am also a member of the Omicron Upsilon chapter of APO. I pledged in Fall 2001. As of yesterday’s elections, I am now my chapter’s new Treasurer. Yay!! :smiley:

I would be totally up for a Dopefest in New Orleans.

In Leadership, Friendship, and Service,

w00t! DoperChic is my little! Omicron Upsilon is the best!

Congratulations DoperChic!

I hates Alpha Phis with all my heart.

Heh. I’m a pledge at the Zeta Gamma chapter at Valparaiso University. I pretty much pledged because here, APO is the anti-fraternity to a large extent. More of the liberal students gravitate there, as well as some of the shyer students. I am both liberal and shy.

I don’t know why you hate Alpha Phi’s though, Eternal…I mean, here, most of them are nice and pretty caring and stuff…::shrugs::

Gee, thanks, Eternal. :rolleyes: We love you, too.

Umm, yeah. : rolleyes: Eternal, you have Alpha Phi Omega and Alpha Phi completely mixed up. Alpha Phi is a social sorority and Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed service fraternity. We’re completely different, and now you know…

Oh, yeah. . .I’m probably going to nationals.

All the Alpha Phis I know are sweet, sweet girls, though. One way or another, that sentiment isn’t too appreciated. Saying “I hates Alpha Phis” isn’t too much better than saying “I hate black people.” Honestly, blanket statements aren’t nice.

Alpha Omicron from **SMU[/b in Dallas, Tx. I don’t really keep up with any of my fellow members though.

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Back in the early 70’s (I know, ancient history), I believe Alpha Phi Omega wasn’t co-ed. Back then they had a “ladies auxilliary.” Also, the chapter leadership-guy at the school I was attending was a real d**k. It was a new, commuter school, with to traditional greek-letter groups, yet.

Anyway, in reaction to these, and in compliance with the law, we in Student Gov’t set about de-funding discriminatory groups. Toward that end, some of us white-folk joined the Black Student Union, so the BSU wouldn’t get kicked.