Who's missing that you really want to see on the Board?

I asked about him a couple of years ago in this thread. Given his age, in his 90s IIRC, I have to assume he has passed. Amazing to live that old when he mentioned how much he smoked for so long.

Thanks, @Ike_Witt . I knew that he was quite elderly, and I had a feeling that he had passed. Although we have no definite proof, I think it’s a safe assumption. I always enjoyed his contributions.

This bump is a little bit off topic. Way back in the early 2000s, we had a poster named jinwicked. She was early 20s, witty and fun and from Texas. She also wrote and illustrated an online web comic. She dressed in what to me looked like steampunk fashions.

Anyway, I was in the yard digging some holes, my mind wandering as usual, when the user name popped up in my mind somehow. It stuck in my mind so last night I looked her up.

You can read about Jen Bateman here. It’s quite a story and they are still a good writer. They also look almost identical to twenty years ago. It’s about a five minute read and you can follow some links from there. They are also on Facebook.

It’s good to find out that things are working out for them. Autism, mental issues, gender issues all seem to be falling into place. As they sum it up:

My name is Jen Bateman. I am a sentient being; 42 years-old, genderless, an autobiographer. After a lifelong journey and thousands of hard-won lessons, my body, heart, goals, mind, and spirit are at last in alignment with one another. I am in touch with my tathāgata-garbha — or Buddha nature. My nirvana.

No, I didn’t.

Actually there were two migrations. The 2nd was Real Life. Things are settling down a bit, so …

Thanks for sharing that I remember them fondly.

Whatever happened to @Kobal2? Last seen before the transition to Discourse.

I see now other people have thought of this poster. posts #271, 306, 334, 358, 529.


I’ve worried about Kobal2. My understanding is that they posted from Paris. Last post was April, 2020, when the first wave of Covid was hitting France hard. :slightly_frowning_face:

Wait, @Shodan got banned? All I remember was a quite amusing and inexplicable kerfuffle * I call band name * about his “Regards.”

(Of course I’ve been gone from the popcorn bleachers of ATMB for a long time.)

PS: Do people still call band name around here?

Band name!

Yep, banned. Admittedly - and even in my opinion as someone who considered him a blight on the board - the last straw was a pretty flimsy one, but it fell onto an already substantial stack of previous ones.

Several years ago, IIRC.

I miss @elucidator, who delivered some masterfully snarky one-liners.

Oh I’m pretty sure he’s too chicken to show up here again.
/G.O.B. and Lindsay/ Kuh-CAW, kuh-CAW!!!/G.O.B. and Lindsay/

@GreenWyvern hasn’t posted since April. Was very active in the Ukraine thread, then just stopped. Hope they’re okay.

I’m starting to worry about @panache45 . He was very active in the “Count to a Million Thread” in Thread Games, then just stopped about a month or so ago. Nothing there, or anywhere else, since.

Oh, I’ve missed him as well.
I hope he’s ok.

I was just thinking today that I hadn’t seen Snowboarder_Bo post in a while. I didn’t realize he was suspended back in January, but I guess that would explain it.

Whoa, you’re right! His last post was July 21st. I knew he was in very poor health, and hope he’s just decided to step away for a while. Does anyone know Panache45 IRL?

He posted at least once, circa July 15.

Like this one posted on August 11th.